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What do you know about body language

What do you know about body language

Note / this topic completely (body language) Moved after coordination and put the pictures of the site http://www.wikipedia.org 

From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia

Body language of those movements performed by some individuals using their hands or facial expressions or their feet or tones of voice or shaking the shoulder or head, to understand the addressee better the information that he wants to reach him , and there are some people Alhdhiraan and keenest and those who can install facial features and those who do not Disclosure want to understand what is inside them Altfezon but can also find out their impressions through other means 
In a study carried out by one of the psychologists discovered that only 7% of communication is words , 38 % tone of voice and 55 % body language , even if different words and body language , the individual tends to ratification by body language [1] Although the use of body language over millions of years from the date of the young , but the humanitarian aspects of non-verbal communication has not been studied practically any scale only since the sixties of the last century , especially when it was published Djulius Fast book on body 

language in 1970  
Technically 's book is " the expression of emotions in humans in 1872 ," one of the most influential books in the field, has written to the effect that a lot of recent studies of facial expressions and body language , as has been the support and prove a lot of his ideas , and has since recorded research about a million tip and the signal is verbal , and reached Albert Mehrbaan in one of his studies that the total impact of the message is divided into (7 % words only 0.38 % of any audio tone of voice 0.55 % non- verbal ) . The Professor cold Toniel some similar estimates and concluded that the average person Atges words approximately ten minutes per day and wholesale medium takes about two seconds and a half . Most researchers agree that the verbal channel is mainly used for the transfer of information , while the non- verbal channel is used to negotiate in attitudes between people , and in some cases as an alternative to oral messages


Used by all people voluntarily or involuntarily The teacher uses this method in the classroom to help him transfer his knowledge to students as well as used by the doctor to the patient or the patient's physician . And is also used when the engineer wants to give instructions to the workers . The president's use of his subordinates or the employer to his employees . The more he understands the hearing impaired or those with special needs .
Overall Women are more aware of the men and the ability to read body language , Vllnads an innate ability to pick up signals nonverbal decoded as well as enjoyment into minutes monitor the small details , so the little guys have the ability to lie to their wives , while you can most women conceal the truth for men without realizing it . Scientists believe that this distinctive capability might be a product of the social role of women who encourage them so that no sensors to the emotions of others and express their feelings clearly , have shown that the sense of feminist clearly in mothers because they are dependent on the channels is oral while communicating with children . It is believed that because of this distinctive capability can negotiate most of the women (especially the physical and economic matters ) better than men

And means

Eye: gives you one of the biggest keys to personal realize truly what goes on in the mind than in front of you , if expanded pupil seemed visible , this is evidence that he heard you just something that pleased , but if fed pupil opposite is what happened , and if narrowed his eyes or perhaps more Frckhma indicates that you told him about something you do not believe him
Or if he tried to avoid consideration of the people's eyes and those around him , it indicates that it lost confidence in himself sometimes but not always avoid looking in the eyes of the people indicates shyness or he's trying to pull in the ongoing dialogue
Eyebrows : If you raise one eyebrow and the one that indicates that you told him something he does not believe it either sees or impossible , while raising both eyebrows this indicates surprise

Ears : If his nose or paw passed his hands over his ears while pulling on them tells you that he understands what you want , it means that he was puzzled about what you say it is likely he did not know at all what you want him to do or that he doubted the validity of what you say .
Brow person : If sulk and looked for land in a frown , it means that puzzled or confused , or he does not like to hear what you said , but if you sulk and submit it to the top , this indicates the surprise of what you heard

Shoulders : When a person shakes his shoulder means that he does not know or did not know what you're talking about

Fingers : Click the person with his fingers on the arm of the seat or on the desk indicates nervousness or impatience

Nose: touches of his nose when he speaks it is proof that he is lying in saying that modern

Mouth : When the child is lying on his parents and he hits his hands over his mouth in reference to hide what he said about his parents , and when he touched the teenager lying or rubbed his mouth lightly

The direction of the foot : has been known to note that the minute a person 's feet are always moving to the thinking subject example, a student who is being reprimanded in front of his peers from the mentor usually refers to the place of his feet or sitting in the worst case to outside the classroom . Or is the guest who wants to access Fisher Boagafth and the direction of his feet to his desire to leave  
It means hiring other important geographical location , the foreman dominant CFB is usually his office at the front of the entrance, and the person who drove her door, but returned with commonly familiarity in place . And Tariq , who is leaning against the wall often mocks or scorned place . Then there is the look of the glasses that show up on Alastsgar and reduce the importance of the other

When a person patted his arms on his chest : This could mean that this person is trying to insulate himself from the others , or indicates that he was not sure of himself
When rubbed his hands with each other , it shows the wait . If you put him on the cheek it is a signal to reflect and meditate
If the person sat foot on top of each other and it is constantly Ihrkhma This indicates that bored
If you're talking with someone and you want to end with him Valttaúb give him the best proof of that
Knit one's head during the conversation means that it is thinking of something or trying to remember
When caught by the other person is one of his hands behind his back, this is an indication of the nervousness and fear of padded chaos
When a person is hidden mouth Braanh this is conclusive evidence that he heard his belief lies
If the person sat embracing his feet and knees it indicates the tension
Drying sweat placebo or pick Allen ...
Very important , and there are no stop him or interrupted

Note / this topic completely (body language) Moved after coordination and put the pictures of the site http://www.wikipedia.org 

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