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More than 10 golden tips in order to excel in your job

 _______________________More than 10 golden tips in order to excel in your job_________________

How to be creative in your business

 What is creativity
   There are many definitions of creativity , " the process that leads to new ideas , be useful and socially acceptable at the execution ," a mix of sci- flex , to develop an old idea , or to find a new idea , no matter what the idea is small , resulting in the production of privileged unfamiliar , it can be applied and use , "
If creativity is the production of new ideas beyond the ordinary, on the condition that the ideas are useful, and may be creativity in the field brings destruction and damage and this is not called creativity , but sabotage , if we say that the employee invented a new way to reduce costs or to enhance production or for a new product , regarded this the idea of creativity.

  Who is the creator
    Each person can create and innovate

 Individual creativity
  In this section, we review the characteristics of a creative person , impediments to creativity among individuals , methods and techniques to become more creative ways to generate ideas , and then some examples of areas in which an individual can excel where

 Recipes creators
  These are some creative recipes , which can get used to them and instilled in yourself , and try to come back by the others also
  are looking for ways and alternative solutions do not content themselves or to dissolve one way.
  have a design and a strong will .
  have clear goals they want to reach.
  ignore the negative comments of others .
  Do not fear failure ( Addison ) Try before 1800 experience to invent the light bulb .
  do not like routine.
  take the initiative .
  positive and optimistic .
If not available, these qualities in you do not think you are the creator , but you can acquire these qualities and become ingrained habits you have .

 Impediments to creativity
 Many obstacles to creativity , which is of the same rights and have them and by others , you have to be aware of these constraints and avoid it as much as possible , because it kills creativity and kill him
  The sense of inferiority in the words of some people : I am weak , I am not the creator .. etc. .
  lack of self-confidence .
  lack of learning and continue to increase crop science .
  fear of the negative comments of others .
  fear for livelihood.
  fear and shame of presidents .
   fear of failure .
  dissatisfaction with reality.
  deadlock on plans , laws and procedures .
  pessimism .
  reliance and dependency on others for them.

  Methods and techniques to become more creative
  March walking early in the morning and hopes to nature around you .
  allocated five minutes to imagine the morning and evening every day .
  discussed about the idea of ​​someone else Athabaskan before to try it .
  Imagine yourself Chairman of the Board of Directors for a period of one day.
  Use graphics and illustrations instead of typing in the information display .
  Before you decide anything , set the options available .
  try and test things and encouraged to experiment.
  sharing your work with another colleague for one day only .
  Draw pictures and comic forms during thinking.
  Think expensive solution to a problem and then try to determine the pros that solution .
  presented ideas and banishment solutions elusive.
  learn a new sport even if not exercised .
  Subscribe to a magazine in your specialty is you never read it.
  is your way to and from work .
  Make your own secretary , and give compulsory leave !
  Arrange your room , wash your clothes and ironing yourself.
  is to arrange the furniture in your office or room.
   my dream and visualize success always .
  Do small steps in all the work , not only to speak and aspirations .
o more than one question.
o Say I do not know .
  If you do not do something , think about doing something creative fills your spare time .
o play the game What if  
  Pay attention to small ideas .
  is what got used to it.
  Make sure to be in any business you doing something creative  
  Learn and Play Games intelligence and thinking.
  read stories and attitudes for creativity and creators.
  assigned to write a book of ideas and without the creative ideas no matter how small these ideas .
  Assume that anything is possible .

 Ways to generate ideas
  Select an obvious target for creativity and thinking 
  thinking upside down , any flip what you see in your life come up with a new idea , for example : students go to school , when reflected says : come to school students , and this is what happened during the study of the Internet and messaging and others 
  integration , the integration of any two or more to get a new creativity , for example : car + boat = amphibious vehicle , has been the application of this idea !
  delete , delete or move part of one device or system manager, it may be that part does not interest him  
  Creativity dreams , imagine that you became the director of the Ministry of Education , for example , what you going to do ? Or imagine that we live under water , how will our lives 
  random stimuli , visit the place for children to play , or traveled to countries not visited before, or I walk in the place did not see before, and do not forget to carry a notebook and pen to record any idea or Thoughts come to mind  
  creativity to move , convert and transfer any idea looks incorrect or reasonable to think of new and reasonable 
  another angle of view , to see the problem or the issue of creativity or second or third party , and not to restrict the field of vision your eyes only   
 What if ? Say to yourself: What if such and such happened .. the result will be 
  How can ? Use this question to find many alternatives and answers 
  other uses , can be found 20 other use of the pen is writing and drawing ? Try this method and certainly you'll get useful ideas  
  developed continuously , do not stop the development and modification of anything 

 Examples of applications
  imagine that your organization has decided to do without you , what would you do ? Do you look for a new job or start your own business , or will not do anything at all , thought and invented the idea of ​​a new innovative , applied and , if possible , and do not forget that fear is the livelihood of the obstacles to innovation 
  Look at the waste and trash in the house , can you use it? Sitting on my desk tray to put the pens , the enclosure was originally a tray of food ! But has been cleaned and embellished until it became nice and helpful  
  like to go with your family in the creative journey , how will this trip  
  your room is organized , how Stertbha so as to provide a large area , and this arrangement is practical as well 
  some friends who will come in the house , how Stubbly creative way  
  you want to activate your family members actively creative again, how will this activity 
   decided to sow your garden with ornamental plants , how Stzeraha and how will it look like 
  noticed that many financial expenses in your home , how would reduce these expenses 
  wish to learn and increase your wealth of knowledge , invented 10 ways to increase your knowledge 
  If you rely on a maid in a home business , you imagine I gave her for a week , how Stdber a home business ? And applied in practice this exercise and get rid of the maid servants and cons  

  Be someone creative and do not pay attention to what the others of negative comments and discouraging , and try to develop the skill of creativity you have , and I know they are a skill you can acquire , and creativity is essential to the life of an individual to break the routine and boredom , and to develop the skills and knowledge , and to enrich his life experiences and attitudes beautiful , so I thought in all your personal life and try to excel even a little bit in each area .

 Moved this topic after coordination and to add images from a series of creativity and innovative thinking d . Ali Hammadi out of the box Frank Prince

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