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Health habits to sit on the computer And some tips and guidance

Health habits to sit on the computer
And some tips and guidance

Important Tips to sit right in front of the computer

Is sitting right in front of the computer screen of the important things and basic
Which must be adhered to by the full , given the threat that failure to observe certain rules of health
Important disadvantages and risks that may lead to serious consequences, were unanimous in a lot of
Medical studies that deal is wrong and sit right in front of the computer administrator
For many of the diseases of the nervous system and visual and muscular and skeletal systems in people
Who do not care for some of the rules important medical and simple 
The most important of these steps

  Should be a level head while sitting straight and bend your neck to avoid as much as possible

 Avoid prolonged sitting in front of a computer , and if you have to work long hours  
Must move from your place , at least for two minutes every half hour , it is best to do
Some simple exercise

 Sure to be a mid- level device screen parallel to the level of your nose while you sit
Front of the computer and the level of the keyboard so that the shoulders fit in a
Moderate and be Alkuaan Mtnaan angles and wrist relaxed 

  Always tried to be put on the head and one with a straighter spine 

  Should be the office that it computer close to you and try to touch the tummy
Character table taking into account the use of a special filter to a computer screen  

 Avoid placing the handset between the shoulder and head in the event of busy hands at work
On the keyboard , and if he does not need to be talking on the phone without a hands- occupancy 
To use the kit , consisting of the head headset and microphone installed above the head  

 Closed the computer screen from time to time and your eyes focused on the external view of a remote make the muscles of the eyes  

 Avoid exposing your neck and your spine air currents (air adjustment ) in offices directly 

  Finally, we recommend you to maintain your weight and practiced sports and scheduling systems for your food you eat  

Do not prolong the use of the computer for the night

A recent study showed that the use of a computer or video games at night may deprive the owner of sleep during the night . The reason for this is that the bright light of a computer screen can change the bedtime biologically and inhibits secretion of the natural hormone melatonin, which is important to the sleep-wake cycle to the people  

The melatonin hormone produced by the body to help regulate sleep and waking hours .
The researchers say that exposure to light affects the amount of melatonin produced by the body . , Which in turn leads to sleep disturbance , especially among the elderly  

The researchers in this study , published in the May / May issue of the journal " Science and Applied Physiology " experiences about melatonin in addition to other factors known to affect sleep schedules are biologically such as body temperature and heart rate , which decreases during sleep  

Researchers asked seven people, one of them reaches the age of 25 years, waking up between the hours of 8 to 9:00 and go to sleep between the hours of midnight to one in the morning for a week before the start of the experiments 

It then asked the participants in the experiments to do with video games, stunts such as shooting or to carry out missions boring using computers with screens bright and dim relatively night after the other between the eleventh hour and a half at night and two in the morning and before going to bed in order to sleep 

The researchers found that the production of the hormone melatonin was very much affected because of the bright computer screens as well as the type of task carried out by each participant . Melatonin levels were low after doing exciting tasks in front of bright screens compared with the screens dark  
At the same time there was no difference in the level of melatonin while doing tedious tasks  

In spite of that body temperature dropped during the night under all circumstances , the work in front of a bright screen made ​​the user's body temperature is much higher than if the person use the screen less bright  

The researchers say these findings showed that computer users who use it during the night
Bright screen can be deprived of sleep , because the task in an exciting late night
Can lead to changes in the production of melatonin and body temperature of the date of the close relationship of the biological sleep

The risks of prolonged sitting in front of computer

Scientists have recently found that prolonged sitting near electrical appliances lead to death of the amount of brain cells , to consider this scientific discovery, and whether treatment of the Koran this phenomenon  

In 2006 and the outcome of trials involving thousands of people turned out to scientists that exposure or sit in front of electrical appliances such as computers, TV , video CD , this sitting leads to the death of millions of brain cells , and whenever the period in which Ijlsha human longest losses were much greater  

Says Dr. Abe C. Diesey We did not expect any damage from sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time , but the results of experiments came the opposite , where have shown that living human for 17 continuous hours in front of a computer screen leads to the death of 420 million cell of the brain  1 

Therefore , scientists today are advised to take appropriate action to protect our lives from the devastating effects of electricity. Through as much as possible to stay away from electrical appliances. For example, instead of one of us to sit in front of the computer for long hours , can sit on the intermittent 

The brain is affected by a lot of electric and magnetic vibrations produced by electrical appliances , so doctors are advised not to sit in front of the computer for long periods 
of time

How to protect your bones while you sit in front   of the computer 

Consider returning the children to use computers and addiction in the study and play a direct cause of their exposure to the risk of injuries to their disability may end permanently .

And suffering of thousands of children are already problems and health problems directly related to using computers , most notably the injury of the neck, back and limbs.

Show these injuries usually in adults because of the use of these devices for long periods coupled with sitting incorrectly in front of her .

These injuries are on the rise because of the increasing use of children to computers for long hours in the house , whether to play or study , which makes them prone to cramps and strains that infect muscle and even bone .

Bones and muscles

It is clear that the current generation is the first generation of children who use a computer and are in the process of development and growth of muscles and bones , and if they are not finding ways to use a computer properly away from the problems , it has infected many children with disabilities.

Adjust and adapt furniture

Part of the problem is that schools are using the same computer Eat for all students , which means they are using the same chairs and offices without modification to suit the nature of their bodies.

The computer mouse and the size of the screen , letters, shapes and visual models all have a noticeable effect on how to adapt the user's body and limbs of the device. The amendment should be initiated in chairs , offices and equipment so that they are appropriate for each user of elementary school students individually , and they aged between five and eleven .

Avoid pain

To avoid the pain of the neck and lower back are advised to sit on a chair suitable for the child's height and prefers to have a headrest and the back and had to sit the right way so that the entire spine and head and neck in an upright position .

And affected most of the joints as well as the way a living child in front of the computer and is considered the joints of more members affected by the way he sat therefore advised to follow the right way while sitting They sit so that they form the joints of the hip and knee joint angle in front of the computer, is also affected by the wrist also using the child to a computer mouse , keyboard, and by maintaining the Mstakimtin his hands as much as possible during the printing on the keyboard  

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