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Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

   Vaginal infections or the so-called bacterial vaginosis is a large pool of natural bacteria already existing in the vagina In the past, it was believed that the type of bacteria Jardnala gardnerella is the only reason , but it turns out it's a collection of many kinds of bacteria is causing the symptoms. They stink and vaginal secretions which are not dangerous , but must be set up to rule out gonorrhea and chlamydia infections and two of another kind

bacterial vaginosis

What are the symptoms of vaginal infections vaginosis
 The symptoms of vaginosis vaginal discharge and odor . Usually, there is no other symptoms. The amount of vaginal secretion , which is a normal situation varies from woman Amrahely Therefore , any degree of vaginal discharge should be assessed . Because many women have no symptoms and is usually secretion fluffy white and gray sometimes with a foul odor and noticed more after sexual contact
And may studies have shown that a lack of the type of bacteria lactobacilli producing material for hydrogen peroxide in the vagina promote the growth of bacteria that live without oxygen Alahoaúah This Maysbb infections
Some other factors such as the presence of multi- Jncion partners or new or smoking or douching may help .

bacterial vaginosis
 Antibiotics . A few antibiotics are used on a regular basis . Metronidazole (Flagyl) or oral jelly beans ( cream ) metronidazole vaginal (Metrogel) is an effective treatment . Also available ; clindamycin vaginal cream (. Metronidazole is not used in early pregnancy because of potential adverse effects on the fetus . Metronidazole should not be used by me nursing mothers because of the potential adverse effects on the baby . Gels do not cause side effects Typically,
Tinidazole antibiotic which has fewer side effects than metronidazole and is also effective in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
bacterial vaginosis
Repeat vaginosis infections possible even after successful treatment . Repeated treatment within 12 months ..
bacterial vaginosis

If not treated can cause inflammation and other symptoms , especially when pregnant , such as abortion and inflammation in the fluid Alameona and inflammation of the uterus after childbirth
bacterial vaginosis
Vaginal infections are many causes and treatment depends on the type of cause in each case and will be taking a sample to accurately know the type of bacteria and the use of antibiotic required

Vaginal fungal infections, their symptoms are usually thick white discharge can be watery and in most cases do not have a smell and cause itching and irritation of the external area of the vagina
Usually the fungus grows in moist places such as the mouth , vagina, usually because of double infection or heavy use of antibiotics or medicine or reduce the immune Cortisone drugs , or diabetes, or pregnancy or taking oral contraceptives or douching or the use perfume materials to clean the vagina
bacterial vaginosis
The infection occurs for married women or unmarried may infect
Other symptoms may be a burning sensation and soreness and pain during sexual intercourse

Infection may recur when some women four times a year
bacterial vaginosis
Usually diagnosed in taking a sample of secretions for laboratory analysis

Treated with medication antifungals oral or topical creams or vaginal suppositories , such as vaginal
bacterial vaginosis 
 Oral medication may cause some side effects such as headaches, nausea and abdominal pain while processing Almbelah not to cause these effects so prefer some of the women treated vaginal either for women unmarried prefers the use of oral pills with topical creams and also oral medication is not recommended where to use during pregnancy 
bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
through a totally monogamous marriage and subsequent operations per year of sexual activity . I turned to this forum when I finally said enough! Google searches and " chronic BV " to learn what I could see outside doctors offices ' and take round after round of antibiotics. After reading a post in the hydrogen peroxide, I decided to try this.

Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

Hydrogen peroxide ( H202 ) The shower was very effective for me , even mixed with water ( 3% solution , aprx . 2-3 tablespoons directly watered twice a day with a shower bulb) . For seven days,Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
 I noticed a general decline ( what I perceived as my typical symptoms ) : abnormal odor and abnormal discharge . The only time I had problems when I mixed with vinegar. I dropped , and I 'm on my way to "normal " .
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

I tried to understand why H202 was as effective for me as the antibiotic. After a woman suggested probiotics in this forum, I searched the term PubMed.gov ,Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
 depositary of public health research at the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. What I have learned that there is a rise in both Lactobacillus in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina is positively associated with a decreased risk of bacterial vaginosis and disposal. Increase Lactobacillus (especially L.fermentum RC - 14 , GR -1 and L.gasseri L.rhamnosus ) researchers and naturally eliminate bacterial vaginosis.
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

Hydrogen peroxide ( H202 ) is a product of Lactobacillus . Although several studies suggest that H202 is Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
not enough, the increased presence of H202 -producing lactobacilli - either by ingestion of food and drink , or directly into the vaginal suppository --- more than 7 days is sufficient to eliminate BV and restore the natural flora. Even more telling is that a number of studies agree that this natural remedy was able to remove the antibiotics long-term support of the current CDC guidelines (which is plagued by high rates of recidivism. )
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

I struggled for years with bacterial vaginosis, and address the shame, fear and guilt. I feel these things is, as one researcher noted , treatment failure as a deficiency disease . Virgin and sexually active women experience BV equally and we must return as the subject of the normal flora.
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

H202 shower can not be my long term solution , but I think now I'm on the right track . I have not felt like  Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
this for years.

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