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Healthy food for pregnant and most important food and tips

(( Healthy food for pregnant women ))

We will review this issue in the most important points about the 

5 most important foods for pregnant and sources obtained 

Food useful for a pregnant woman and the fetus 

Some of the tips that you need a pregnant woman 

Healthy food for pregnant women


Usually begin vomiting case at this stage the first trimester of pregnancy if you suffer from vomiting Follow the following recommendations

  Divide your meals three to six snacks on your stomach during the day

  Eat easy to digest foods pasta , potatoes , toast , muffins , fruit ... and foods rich in protein and low in fat , such as meat lean , chicken, fish , milk and low-fat dairy products

 You must eat food rich in carbohydrates before getting out of bed at about 15-20 minutes , for example : cakes , biscuits , toast or breakfast cereals

  Eat fluids between meals , not with them

  Stay away from fatty foods , fried , pastry and spices

  After consulting your doctor , you may advise you to take pills " folic acid " Shahrak during the first or even before pregnancy where it is very important for normal fetal growth

There are plenty of natural sources of folic acid , which is recommended intakes which

  Green leafy vegetables ( spinach , parsley , watercress, ... )

  Whole wheat bread

  All kinds of legumes ( lentils , beans , chickpeas , beans)

 Food prohibited during pregnancy : raw meat or half -cooked because they contain bacteria that could harm the health of the fetus , such as the liver , Altahalat , bone , smoked meat and raw

  The second month : Preparing the food for you Your

Usually have been revealed at this stage of pregnancy , so begins his preparations and psychological preparations as required by this stage

On the stand in this month's focus on the quality of the food you eat more of the former in order to supply the body with all the nutrients needed by the

Continue the case of vomiting at this stage when some pregnant women , so you should focus on the following issues

  Snacking on the stomach during the day , so as not to keep the stomach empty for a long time
  Stay away from fried foods or high-fat
   Eat foods rich in carbohydrates , such as sweet or salty biscuits , cakes , toast , pasta , potatoes ...
   Drink liquids between meals , not with meals
  Snack before going to sleep , for example, a cup of low-fat milk with breakfast cereals or a piece of toast with a brick or low-fat cheese
  Lot of acts of eating foods rich in folic acid because it is very important for the normal growth of the fetus , which is present in green leafy vegetables ( spinach ) , legumes ( beans and lentils ) and bake full gr
 Being intrusive in your diet 3-4 cups of milk or its equivalent from cheese and milk because of the great importance of calcium during pregnancy
  That the rate of increase calories during pregnancy does not exceed 300 calories , and this after the third month , so be careful on the quality of your food to be healthy and nutritious without a significant increase in the amount of food intake
  INSERT these foods in your diet during pregnancy
5 most important foods for pregnant and sources obtained

The amount needed for the holder of the daily calcium 1000 mg
  Natural sources to get it
Dairy - darker leafy vegetables - soy milk fortified with calcium - grains and calcium- fortified juices

Folate ( folic acid - folic acid )
Daily amount required for the holder of 600 micrograms
 Food sources for folic acid
Dried legumes - peas - lentils - orange juice - orange - darker leafy vegetables - soy nuts - avocado - broccoli - Asparagus

The amount needed daily for the pregnant body of 27 milligrams of iron
Sources of iron
Oats - wheat germ - Almajafh legumes - dried peach juice - fish and seafood - grain - the liver - beef
إضافة تسمية توضيحية

The amount needed per day to 70 grams
Sources obtained
Meat - poultry ( chicken - eggs ) - Dairy - nuts - Legumes - Cereals

Vitamin C Vitamin C
The amount needed daily 85 mg
Sources : fruits and Aledaúr acid - pepper - tomato - strawberry - broccoli - darker leafy vegetables

Food useful for pregnant women
Number of pregnant receive tips , especially in the first months of pregnancy
One of the most tips are useful ingested food
Among the most important of these foods :
This is a fatty acid essential for the development of the brain and central nervous system of the fetus and is available with this acid in thickness Alslon and Anchovy and flax seeds and food products enhanced by

Homrkp and vitamin B plays an important role in the development of the fetal brain and may help avoid the eyes of the spine and the best sources of red meat except beef liver , which should stand
Also available in chicken livers in eggs and soybeans in wheat

Help to spare the pregnant constipation and hemorrhoids and prove the amount of sugar in the blood
Available fiber in bread , pasta, fruits and vegetables

It is essential to bone health deficiency leads to a woman with high blood pressure and calcium available in low-fat milk and cheese cruel and milk and food products enhanced with calcium .

These are some of the tips that you need a pregnant woman
Folic acid , which is very important for pregnant and must be addressed before the start of months of pregnancy and continue to eat after getting pregnant for three months where reduces the likelihood of having a baby with defects of the spine
There folic acid in spinach and fresh orange juice , beans, lentils and it is taken in the form of pills
  Calcium increases the carrier 's need for calcium by a large margin Jaddaoaad milk and dairy products, the best food is the food Vahalib integrated easy to digest and contains all the nutrients needed for a pregnant woman and the calcium found in cheese , eggs, milk , sardines, watercress , spinach and nuts
3 : Iron pregnant need for a large amount of iron to suit the amount of blood is red meat are the best sources of iron as well as chicken , tuna, apricots , eggs, spinach and grain
Getting pregnant and need to iron more than Moadalokhry result of their need to Hmuglpin ( hemoglobin ) that carries oxygen to the fetus
  Vitamins are essential for the growth of the fetus , especially ((abcdk it is important for vital processes and tissue regeneration
  Proteins found in red meat , fish , chicken, cheese and hard-boiled eggs , nuts and grains
 Carbohydrates should not abound , including pregnant because they cause obesity such as bread , pasta, rice and potatoes
 Water must address the pregnant woman more than 8 cups of water to prevent dehydration in the body and prevent urinary infections and vaginal
And a pregnant woman to avoid eating eggs and milk Alnay uncooked might contain harmful bacteria and it should loosen cake and eat biscuits and starches and reduce the intake of coffee, tea, and stay away from smoking and not taking any medication without consulting your doctor
Another topic
Eat only vegetarian food during pregnancy may lead to birth defects in children born
A recent study has shown that mothers who eat only vegetarian food during pregnancy was at risk by more than five Mratlon give birth to children living with HIV hypospadia, which is a congenital malformation of the male reproductive member .

The research team suggests that the hormone -like compounds found in soy may have a relationship to the subject.

Surprisingly, the researchers found that mothers who were taking iron pills and mothers who develop the flu in the first three months was more likely to give birth to children living with HIV hypospadia too.

The researchers suggest further studies to validate this relationship . However, there are many biological evidence suggests that vegetarians are more susceptible to the effect of hormone-like substances (phytoestrogen) , which is likely the health of the relationship in this study , the researchers say .

The hypospadia disease is a congenital malformation that affects the male genitalia , and in this case show the slot at the top of the penis is in its natural place . This is a disease of the disease congenital deformity where it is deployed every 300 children born have a child with this congenital deformity . Treating this condition requires surgical intervention , and to keep the situation as it is untreated will lead to problems in urinating , as well as in the sexual contact.
Another topic
Important food for pregnant women
Pregnant women should increase the amount of their diet usual by one-sixth , and must be the increase balanced and that all the groups represented by taking into account the increase in the second half of pregnancy , in particular, are advised to avoid eating too much of foods too salty and stored like Almh , pickles , sardines , salted , and Alvesik .

Here's the important points healthy eating for pregnant women :

First, attention must be paid to food protein , which is found in meat , birds , fish , milk , eggs , cheese , taking into account the reduced fat content by as much as possible .

Secondly, attention eating vegetables and fresh fruit , such as power, lettuce , oranges , apples and pears .

Third, interest in addressing materials that contain a high content of iron , because it is known that a pregnant woman more susceptible than others to anemia , so as to increase the proportion of plasma blood more than the proportion of red blood cells , and these materials are found in apples , eggplant , spinach and treacle .

Fourth, reduce as much as possible of fatty substances , it is desirable to resort to pregnant cooking oil , corn , and to refrain from margarine and butter.

As well as reducing sugars and carbonated water , because the saturated fatty substances give too many calories causing weight gain and fat accumulation carrier has , making it difficult to lose weight after giving birth

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