? Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem

Get a smile and Dental attractive

Get a smile and Dental attractive

The most important tips and warnings and some cleaning methods

First, you should know that not every smile you see on the stars are 

normal , it is possible to be a fake Putting lipstick pink with a tinge 

of blue color will appear that whiteness of teeth

 But this temporary solution Here are some tips

and instructions and I first before everything sure to visit the dentist 
to detect the presence of any problems in the teeth , gums , or any 

other problems and should prescribe you type putty suitable for 

teeth that were sensitive or otherwise do not forget that The 
  is the entrance to the abdomen and body cried and cleanliness
 the basis of Bath & Body
And do not forget the use of cleaning fluids mouth ( rinsing ) can be

 used in salt water and it helps a lot to kill bacteria

Does not consider the issue of maintaining the health of teeth and the whiteness of the things difficult and impossible as can anyone really wants to get white teeth that depends on the natural side without paying attention to the chemicals that are available in pharmacies

Dental hygiene starts from the first food
The person's intake of food thrown impact significantly on the teeth
Experts stressed that the tea and coffee in addition to cigarette smoking affects clearly on the whiteness of teeth

The first step in maintaining the whiteness of teeth , a

  Brushing teeth immediately after drinking tea Algahoho to prevent the appearance of spots

  Take your time to clean your teeth to keep teeth healthy and white experts said it lies in the time you spend cleaning and to make sure dental hygiene is preferred that cleans your teeth for at least two minutes

  Hold the toothbrush holding pen as the most important idea when cleaning the teeth are not cleaned severe that the best way to clean 

the teeth are gently pressing on the teeth within the circular movements

The constipation brushing as a pen can ensure that the process of cleaning without swishing severely on


  Drink a cup of tea every day

Can surprised many people this advice given by the experts , 

however, studies have proven health
The tea contains substances that work effectively to prevent 

harmful bacteria that stick to the teeth
The tea prevents the production of a type of sugar that contributes to the occurrence of cavities in the teeth of this tea contains large 

amounts of fluoride , which helps maintain the health of teeth

  Change the toothbrush from time to time things very important to maintain the health of teeth and whiteness
The experts pointed out that it is absolutely essential that a toothbrush be changed at least once every two or three months
In case you do not change the brush within this period , you thereby 

transporting bacteria to your teeth and mouth
  Eat a little fat yogurt Eating yogurt every day can help protect teeth and maintain their health
  To maintain the whiteness of teeth naturally can be played .

... apple vinegar in the morning , and then you clean your teeth naturally
Experts said that apple cider vinegar works to remove stains as it whitens teeth and kills the bacteria in the mouth and gums

A big smile to charm attracts everyone around you , but you lose all this magic and gravity if the slash -yellowing , because the gleaming white teeth is one of the basics of beauty can not be completed by the form of women's beauty and luster , but achieving this breathtaking white smile . Because everything contains chemicals is not 

healthy , you can resort to natural methods available between your hands to get a white smile attractive . Here are some of these natural ways : lemon peel and orange : contains much as found citrus peel and orange on the type of acid , which in turn eliminates the yellow spots on the teeth and Hiawatha , use this method once a week until 

port is not affected by age. Apple cider vinegar : One of the many benefits of apple cider vinegar and many teeth whitening is where you can put a few drops of it on the brush and rub the teeth out well, then rinsed with water to get great results after several weeks. Sage : Sage plant is 

renowned as one of the plants multiple benefits , and benefits of a dental cleaning and Alaska existing accumulations of them , Tripitaka Altamira well and add the salt and rub the teeth out of the well get the full white smile and clean. Apples : Rub your teeth with a piece of apple on a daily basis for a few minutes until you have a 

shiny white teeth Valhalla Cleaner is a wonderful and natural teeth . Strawberries : Containing strawberries on a acids that can remove stains from teeth and bleached nicely , where you can rub the teeth out or crushed and adding sodium bicarbonate to and use Cajun placed on the teeth for 5 minutes on a daily basis , and you'll get a charming smile unmatche

Errors brushing teeth

  Scrubs extreme best way to clean teeth : This information is completely wrong , let alone as the first tooth strongly affects the gums and may cause infections by as it damages the protective power of the age . It is important to clean your teeth carefully but without scrubs severe tooth brushing

  Decay Legacy : Genetics is not responsible for the decay of your teeth . Some things such as the shape and size of the Age interfere genetic factor , but does not interfere with the decay factor , but only hygiene

  Black tea teeth hurt : probably lead to drink black tea in large quantities to age a little discoloration , but this can be removed easily brushing your teeth out , but black tea has no damage to the Age on the contrary, as it contributes to the strengthening of age because it contains fluoride ,

  Gum substitute for brushing your teeth : Chewing gum does not sing in any way for brushing and cleaning putty and thread . Chewing gum may be an additional means for cleaning the requirement to be sugar-free . Experts advise using certain types of specific gum to clean the teeth . Chewing gum is generally helps in increasing the production of saliva and thus reduce the concentration of some harmful acids in the mouth

  Apples and carrots to fight tooth decay : Eating too much anything backfire as there are no specific food cleans teeth and fully substitute for a toothbrush and toothpaste . Apples are particularly rich in sugar , therefore, a lot of it is not useful to the teeth

  Teeth do not need to care : Many believe that the appearance of decay in primary teeth is not a big problem because it will change in all cases . This information is completely false teeth Versus leaves its effects on teeth It is possible that the new changes happening in the gums lead to the growth of teeth irregularly which may require surgical intervention to then

  Brushing teeth immediately after eating : the preferred course of brushing your teeth after meals , but watch out for brushing immediately after eating , especially after eating fruits and candy   contained in these foods weaken tooth enamel and thus Vanzetti brushing teeth immediately after eating can harm enamel . Doctors recommend that you wait for 30 minutes after eating before brushing This period is important for the reduction of the effect of saliva in the mouth acids

 Whitening toothpaste harm
 the age : some types of putty teeth whitening contain very strong can harm tooth but the solution is to choose species that contain active substances harmless enamel or resort to bleaching processes after consultation with the doctor

  One minute is enough to clean the teeth : the perfect time to clean the teeth is at least three minutes in the morning and evening, this is the ideal period to remove harmful substances from the teeth and to take advantage of the effect of age on the putty

  Harm of smoking on dental virtual only : yellow color that appears on the teeth of a smoker is not outwardly only in the sense that the bleaching processes known is not enough to remove With the length of the smoking delve deeper yellow color in the Age as that smoking leads to poor supply of gum blood which can lead to infections of the gums has been up to tooth loss

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