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All you need to know about teens and signs of problems and ways to deal

All you need to know about teens and signs of problems and ways to deal

Period in which they pass through childhood teenager to come out to the outside world and begins to interact with the merger and the researchers knew teens were also used in psychology maturity and adulthood , adolescence stage of preparedness for adulthood
It's age and mental maturity and emotional and social up to the girl and the boy about two years ago
It features the onset of sexual and as a result of the maturity of the gonads are therefore average growth stage between childhood and adulthood where the preparation of the emerging to become an individual bears the responsibility to participate in the activity of the community

And the definition of adolescence can be summarized as 
Is the average growth stage between childhood and adulthood , which causes a lot of anxiety and mental disorders , so he is often referred to this period as a period of psychological crises , as it is in this period of maturity biological functions and physiological and physical generally characterized by this stage and the emergence of individual differences prominently featured and that is what we find an example in sections and academic achievement  
  the division of adolescence 

There is agreement that adolescence does not occur suddenly and without an appointment , but they are usually preceded by the process of puberty , which may pave the way and have agreed on most of the 

psychologists I is divided into three phases 

  early adolescence   puberty -15 years 
  middle adolescence  16 -18 years  
  late adolescence  18 years - the beginning of adulthood  

  early adolescence : begin a series of processes that lead to adulthood
  The process of puberty and growth aspects of it 
 Is accessible and known to many scientists as the stage at which the individual knows where qualified in terms of nationality only and it maturely genital transporting an individual from childhood to adulthood.
Differs from the age of puberty , which varies between 12-13 years for females , while the range of 13-14 years for males and may be delayed for some people to the age of 15-16 years ago . Keep pace with this process occurring growth spurt and a rapid increase lasts for three years 

 factors affecting puberty

 the case of endocrine activity  
  general health status  
  the quality of lunch

  features early adolescence
 This stage is characterized in Piaget's theory to move from thinking about the real ( physical tangible ) characteristic of the child to the logical operations methodology  
  the feeling of equilibrium 
  Increasing the sense of individual same type of wealth  
  alienated the boy from the girl and vice verse 
  The emergence of secondary sexual elements with incomplete maturity and without carrying out its functions 
  pressure sexual impulses that does not know how to restrain the teenager


  self- interest scans and analysis 
  the tendency of the manifestations of nature and spend more time outside the home  
  to rebel against tradition , the love of renewal 

 Central adolescence 
  sense of social responsibility 
  the tendency to help others and provide them with help  
  attention to the opposite sex seems to form tendencies and interests of the composition of friendships and relationships with its members 
 choose friends from among individuals who tend teenager them 
  the tendency to leadership  
  Clarity trends and tendencies in an adolescent

  physical growth  
Acquires growth in adolescence degree of speed so that most psychologists claimed they call " jump " , and gets to the growth of every teenager in three phases : the start of growth , peak growth , and end 
Surprised teenager such changes and developments in the bodywork and put the result of lack of prior knowledge , and that just feels embarrassed and ashamed of increasing the length of the limbs which looks like the situation has upset the natural body. Events and teenagers usually the birds long legs which causes them embarrassments in their relationships with those around them and with parents in particular 
It is worth mentioning here that the pace of organic growth in adolescents is not characterized by the pace and one fixed in most cases . Rather, the issue linked to the limits of a large quality of the food , and the nature of the climate , and geographical conditions , the skeleton , and the safety of members of impairments and hereditary diseases in particular 

 psychological change 
Of the most prominent signs of adolescence is the psychological changes successive felt by a teenager , he lived an abnormal psychological conditions and difficult. The exposed during this transitional phase to psychological disorders that lead to anxiety and confusion attendant stormy for a long time , and even lose his balance on the personal impact. In the words of a Russian psychologists : when children reach a serious degree of growth , ie, puberty , then start various mental disorders have . At this stage, usually contested psyches events Tabasco contradictory , at a time that is printed behavior and treat them with gentleness and others dream find them at the same time XI foul and get angry at the lowest excitation  

 mental formation  
Each stage of the growth of the human mind which have characteristics that distinguish them from others, mental growth in adolescence differs from childhood , and young adulthood differs from childhood and adolescence 
Some studies have indicated that the mind be more Mothball in adolescence than other stages of human life , and that the memory be active at this stage , but the memory power peaking at the age of 13-16 years of human life 
  sexual maturity  
The sexual maturity of the signs of adolescence , which is determined when the female appearance of the menstrual cycle , but it does not necessarily mean the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics ( such as the growth of the breasts, and the appearance of the hair under the armpits and genitals ) , while in males , The mark first sexual maturation is to increase the size of the testicles , and the appearance of hair around the genitals later , with an increase in the size of the penis , while showing the menstrual cycle in females within the limits of the thirteenth year , gets the first seminal ejaculation in males in the fifteenth year ago 

Accompany adulthood psychological changes reflected in the behavior of the adolescent and teen , a natural changes , some people pass by without feeling , and some of them may be disturbed for a while, and most of these changes occur as a result of the change that is happening in the secretions of the glands is the most important of these changes 

  Increased sensitivity and vulnerability 

 The search for the self, and a sense of lack of clarity , and the question : Who am i  ? What do   I want ? And to whom I belong  

  Volatility in the mood 

  Excessive anxiety and emotional instability  

 The spirit of contemplation and reflection in religious issues 

  The desire to challenge the parents and teachers and to rebel against authority 

 Indulge in daydreams 

 Too much attention to the external appearance 

 Start inclination and interest in the opposite sex 

Social changes

 Feeling the need to break away from the family or parents , and the search for alternative   or aunt or teacher or friends 

 Refused treatment method as a child , and a sense of belonging to the world of adults 

 The trend towards independence and self-reliance 

 The tendency of convergence of self and sometimes stay away from people 

 Attention to the external appearance more than ever 

 The tendency to leadership 

  Increasing awareness of social status 

 Harmony and clustering in groups of friends and submit them 

 Lack of consensus and satisfaction standpoint adult

Sit down with him first step

 In a familiar place
 Far from the eyes of the people
 The privacy and confidentiality of
  Preferably outside the home or place other than the place the problem occurs
  Preferably the change and move on if the time -consuming
  At a time followed by a preoccupation
 In sufficient time for a teenager to say what he has
 At times other than the habit of daily special  sleep , food ... etc 
  The best time of the morning in the evening
  In times or intermittent

  Step Two : Do not bother him  gentleness and soft  
  Taking into account the tone of voice in talking to him not to be sharp all the time
  Taking into account the slow pace of the modern to make sure that the teenager hears every word his way
 Eloquence and clarity of word and phrase using phrases that are understood by the young

  The third step : let him think safe
  Teenager should feel safe and trust that what is meant is far from bad habits and mistakes can be rejected, and to achieve this
 In the form of the meeting Bald no him without hand-waving
  Pacific resented without sound or whimper
  Giving him ample opportunity to express himself

 Step Four: dialogue with him
  Notice in this step to the importance of
  Talking to him display the problem and a statement danger , and the extent of our commitment to protect it , and the possibility of hearing from him , and the likelihood of Smahana him about not hunting mistakes while talking to him , promised to boycott whenever we found a contradiction or error , we may adjust it for candor in this act using a method to acknowledge the self , so that the recognition of the teenager himself on the same error , which occurred when , and this is the question , is the direct road to answer direct
 Concern for the many questions that have answers to ( not) if it was intended to prevent the young man , and the many questions that have answers to (yes ) if it was intended to pay the young man , so as not to repeat them at least ten times in the same position

   Step five : best listen to him
 To listen in the finest must take into account
  Not to stare in the eye of a teenager , but seen quietly
  Listen to the words appropriate attention
  Attention to the physical signals (place the eye , lips taut , tense hand , facial expressions and its changes , the way the meeting ... etc.)
  Reduction of the province, or straying him (given to another place , the sound of the door open , listening to the radio ... etc.)
  Attention to the tone of his voice , with the interact with

  Step Six : Give him the freedom of choice
 Areas can be given the option for a teenager
  Methods of solution of the problem
  Penalty in the amount of
  Reward and how to get it
  Method of implementation costs required

   Step Seven : inducing at completion
  Incentives include things  moral praise and express dissatisfaction with him , and material things Kahuna and provide interest to him and pull it out to a certain place , and incentives intended to change the behavior of abnormal or stability and promote good behavior

 Step Eight : When the consequence of failure
  A form of punishment
  Deprived of some Bathmat , or minimized
  Blame and punishment such as speech with verbal strongly losing some of their rights , such as to prevent him from coming up with the expense or his companions
 Lost to the reward promised at completion
 Beat him if the need arises for it , but have another treatment

  Step Nine : Make room for his return
 That Ptqublh after the change , and forget what it was , and as it was said : " equitable parent is the one who changed his look for his son, his son whenever change " , and open the way for it when you talk to him about what is intended change

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