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Light pollution - Light pollution and its negative effects on human health

Light pollution

Light pollution and its negative effects on human health

Pollution has become an issue of fundamental issues in the contemporary world, and contemporary problems of pollution that has not been studied well light pollution. And light pollution from the types of pollution that we do not hear much about it, because of the ambiguity or lack of clarity of the concept of environmental

And can be summarized in the concept of light pollution that a sharp increase in the amount of light that can cause some health problems or psychological ...

Has increased in recent years, advertising lights on city streets, as increased exposure of people, especially motorists to car lights in extreme ways inside and outside the cities. Perhaps one of the more things that can damage the nervous system and eye rays of human exposure through continuous view of the TV, video or computer equipment (Computer) for long periods

Light pollution many negative effects on the health and physical and mental integrity particular light pollution and its negative effects on human health
Medical and scientific studies show that excessive lighting , or the use of lighting is appropriate in terms of spectral composition , causing many health problems . Light pollution and its negative effects on human health

Such as increasing bouts of headache, fatigue , and exposure to different degrees of tension , increased anxiety , light pollution and its negative effects on human health

It is known that excessive illumination is considered a direct factor and whatever , behind the exposure to acute migraine attacks
In one of the surveys , excessive lighting occupied second place on the list of causes that lead to the occurrence of migraine attacks among the injured , light pollution and its negative effects on human health

While excessive lighting is the main reason behind the bouts of migraine among 47% of all people with this disease light pollution and its negative effects on human health

Do not stop the relationship between headaches and lighting between the degree of severity , but also on the type of spectrum user , which depends on the type of light used ,
As in the cases rely on fluorescent light (fluorescent light) rather than sunlight .

This imbalance spectroscopy , in addition to the illumination intensity , are considered together two important factors behind the increased sense of fatigue , especially among those who spend long hours at work under this kind of lighting . Light pollution and its negative effects on human health

This same optical conditions , also lead to a clear increase in the rates of anxiety and tension . Light pollution and its negative effects on human health

Where medical studies have proven already , and there are high rates of tension all the symptoms and signs of medical , among workers
   Using excessive lighting , especially the type of fluorescent , light pollution and its negative effects on human health

The other effect of hyper- lighting beyond the psychological aspect and mental

Organic and side affects of our bodies directly

This effect appears in the form of high blood pressure , among people exposed to excessive lighting for long hours during the day

Scientists believe that high blood pressure in these cases, the result indirectly increase the level of tension that exposed him exposed to excessive lighting , light pollution and its negative effects on human health

It is well known that increasing the level of tension , leading to the secretion of the body to the hormone adrenaline , and is responsible for the development of the body in a state of preparedness and readiness ,
Through biological and physiological changes many , such as raising blood pressure and increased heart rate , light pollution and its negative effects on human health

  This effect is probably a good explanation raises forecasts for the future that the number of people with high blood pressure will reach 1.5 billion people by 2025 , which is close to a quarter of the human race , according to the forecasts of population growth at the time. Which , if true , would amount to the expected increase then nearly 60 % , what was the situation in 2000

Scientists believe that these effects of hyper- organic lighting
Produces the excitability of the pineal gland (pineal gland) in the bottom of the brain ,
, Which is the measure of the internal changes in the optical (photometer), through which determine the daily rhythm of physiological processes .

Disruption of this rhythm , for example, leads to inhibition of the secretion of the hormone melatonin in charge to some extent to prevent heart rhythm disorder , and prevention of certain diseases against cancer .

This latter function of melatonin , some believe that the use of night lighting , and the resulting inhibition of the hormone melatonin , which is perhaps the reason behind the spread of cancer , among those who work to night shifts , and among the population of industrialized countries in general.

All of these effects and consequences , show us clearly that our members and our bodies , interact strongly with the environment surrounding the optical , which is the interaction that should put him in mind, in our quest for a healthier life , free from anxiety , headaches and high blood pressure.

Whatever we tried to disregard the nature around us , they have the biggest impact on our lives

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