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Drink a Green Drink For Good Health

A green drink is a mixture of vegetables, sprouts , herbs and other healthy vegetables. Everyone knows that vegetables are good for you, but there are plenty of research showing that plants can be even more important than we thought in the prevention of diseases. The basic theory , which is supported by many scientists, is that sweet , acidic foods cause all sorts of health problems weight gain cold. Then there are alkaline foods such as vegetables . Research shows that once you get rid of acid in your body, improve your health, increase your levels and release of stored energy and lose weight quickly fat. Take a green glass (or 2 or 3) every day can go a long way to get rid of acid in your body.

We have already established that vegetables are good for you and I hope nobody out there that will argue this point. Eating enough fruits and vegetables () can be very difficult in today's hectic world . One way to ensure that you get enough healthy vegetables is to have plenty of both . You can do your vegetable juice . You get most of the benefits of eating vegetables and enjoy several servings of vegetables in a glass. Your body will absorb nutrients more quickly than if you ate the plant, not having to digest all the solids in the plant. There are many resources out there to tell you what vegetable is better, but overall , all the vegetables are good and the greens are better. The best thing to do is take some vegetables and juice together to make a drink. An apple can really sweeten the drink to add one of those is a good idea when you start to get used to. My favorite vegetable is cucumber juice , because it has a very alkalizing effect ( antacid ) in the body and is very liquid so you do not have a thick drink that is more difficult to drink. You must drink the juice immediately , however, as it will spoil very quickly ( within hours ) . This is the essence of a fresh green drink.

As I mentioned , getting enough vegetables in a busy world can be difficult. It can also be difficult to make enough money to buy all the vegetables you need time , they juice, then clean the juicer whenever you need a green drink . There is no easy solution. You can buy your green drink powder form which is mixed with water or capsule. If you get a high quality green drink that still contains more nutrients than juice when you get some vegetables.

It may seem that this green drink is expensive, but when you think about the juice extraction cost, you will see that it is not only more convenient form of powder , it is much cheaper. When you buy green drink powder , which cost about $ 1 per drink. If you buy a large container , which will be less than $ 1 per serving. Keeping it simple fresh green drink is 1 cucumber , a couple of carrots, and maybe an apple for flavor. This facility will cost $ 1 per drink and not get all the other things in powder green glass. If you can not handle the drink, many vendors have also put powder in a capsule. You get all the benefits of the mix and it will only cost you a little more per serving. See below links to two suppliers of high quality green drinks . Both have to mix powders and capsules not to mention many other health supplements of high quality.

I hope this has helped you. I experienced first-hand the health benefits of a green drink can make , especially if used in combination with a little exercise and a healthy lifestyle in general. Even if you change nothing else, having 1 or 2 green glasses each day will have a dramatic impact on your health and well-being. Good luck!

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