? Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem

Fantastic information from your heart

About Heart

  The heart is a hollow muscular organ pushes blood within the circulatory system, similar to the work of the

 .the heart's main pumping station of the blood from the heart to provide oxygen for Members 

.  the amount of blood pumped by the heart in the natural state of 4.5 to 5 liters per minute

.  need heart muscle to 7% of the oxygen carried by the blood to produce energy pumping 

 . heart weight of 0.5% of the weight of the human body that is, up 
to 350 grams for a person weighing 70 kg

Care is needed for heart health. The heart pumps blood throughout the body so it can perform all their different functions. If your heart is not working properly , you will experience other health related problems .

Many factors contribute to heart health . A low fat and plenty of exercise and maintain a minimum of stress to your heart in good condition system. Different attributes make you more prone to heart disease such as smoking , hypertension , high cholesterol , family history , diabetes, obesity and lack of exercise.

Age is also a difference when it comes to heart health . Men over 45 and over 55 have a higher risk of heart disease , even if they are in good physical condition in general. Heart failure is a disease that currently affects over 5 million Americans . If you are over 45 or 55 years , it is a good idea to visit a center for health care for the entire Mooney tests.

Recently held the annual scientific sessions of the American Heart Association in New Orleans. With the help of researchers to provide new ways to exercise and use of drugs for the treatment and improvement of patients with heart failure . Is the development of new innovations every day to improve cardiac care . One study found that in New Orleans planned fell 7 percent in the rate of hospitalization and death in patients with heart failure after a exercise routine. Other studies exploring various medical options for cardiac care .

The human heart works 24 hours a day non-stop , no time to sleep at work or eat or rest . So what do we know the heart of this important part of our body. 1 - The length of the human heart 10 to 15 cm (12 to 13 cm or less). The woman's heart weighs between 250 to 300 grams, while Vezn heart of a man between 300 to 350 grams. The amount of blood pumped by the heart in the day to about 7600 liters ( 5 to 30 liters per minute ) through the length of the blood vessel up to 100,000 km. 2 - If it has been estimated that the number of beats per minute is 70 , is for seventy years the human heart beats about 2.5 billion times and pumps 250 million liters of blood. 3 - Construction of the heart of man is simple, and consists of four bedrooms ( avenin and Btinin ) separated by fences and gates. 4 - shrink during each pulse and the heart relaxes first Alavenan psychiatrist and push blood into the ventricles , both sending blood to the aorta and the pulmonary artery. 5 - sometimes relaxes the heart of man, and get at the time of tide ( diastolic ) between Tqchin that the pulse duration of 0.4 seconds. 6 - organized by the work of the heart , nervous system and endocrine glands . Nervous system increases or decreases the number of pulses and strength, and the same is done when endocrine rejoice or grieve for example. 7 - heart cells do not regenerate , which means that the heart muscle tissue is not renewed after the damage to a part thereof . This underlines the need to preserve the heart . 8 - heart to function properly and not good enough to keep , but must be fed to the necessary materials, particularly containing elemental and necessary for the heart and blood vessels magnesium potassium. 9 - When the blood pressure is measured, two numbers are obtained , for example , 120 and 80 . These figures reflect the boundary between the largest and the smallest blood pressure during each quantity heartbeat . The first number ( 120 ) is the upper limit of the pressure , and the second number ( 80 ) is the lower limit of the pressure , that is, when the cardiac muscle diastole

Patients with heart failure requiring hospital cardiac Mooney course . In fact , heart failure accounts for 37 percent of health care spending . An analysis of patients with heart failure visited an average of 23 different physicians per year , while viewed Medicare beneficiaries , on average, the typical 7.9 providers per year. The study also found medical care, 46 percent of patients with severe heart failure suffer from serious diseases such as diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In addition, there was almost 32 percent of these patients the renal disease .

Facts about the life of ants

Ants Life

Ants are insects that live in the world and are one of the groups of insects that live in colonies organized. Scientists estimate that the ants have lived on earth for over 100 million years. Most ants are omnivorous and eat fruits, seeds, insects and other molasses. Ants have an average service life of 45 to 60 days, but queen ants and workers live longer. Ants are generally 2-7 mm long with six legs and each leg has three joints. Ants can lift as much as 20 times their own body weight.

The ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells , which is the largest among all insects . In comparison with the human 10 000 million cells of the brain, an ant colony 40000 is identical to that of a human. The combined weight of all the ants in the world is about the same or greater than the combined mass of all human beings.

Ant colonies are made up of men, women and workers. Each colony has several million ants. When these colonies become too large , winged males and females fly to a new location and start a colony. Male and female ants mate in flight. Queen ants after spawning and from the colony makes its wings. The life of a male ant is smaller than that of a female ant . Ant queen mates once and use the sperm for years to produce thousands of descendants.

Ant colonies have complex social structures where various activities are divided between ants. Depending on the type of work they do , appear in different shades of green , blue, purple and yellow. Yellow ant focuses on cleaning, while the orange ant takes care of young ants and new eggs produced by the queen ants. Ants keep their very own nest and have special rooms for waste and dead ants. The life of the queen ant for many years and produces a chemical that workers lick your body to inform them that the queen is healthy.

The Importance of Water

 The  Importance  of Water

Water is one of the most important things on earth. Every living thing needs water to survive. Without water, plants, animals , microbes - all perish.

Our bodies are made of a 75 % water . So we are literally walking bags of water. The water allows the blood through the blood vessels supplying the vital nutrients and body flows. Water also allows the waste material is eliminated from the body through the excretory system . Our need for water is most evident when we are thirsty . The taste of the water that flows through the gorge is something that we all found so much pleasure in. We drink cups of this daily beautiful clear liquid. It is essential to our lives.

The first human civilizations began near rivers . The Nile, the Tigris and Euphrates was where the man began to colonize the land. Throughout the world, major rivers have played an important role in the evolution of man.

The water is used for drinking, washing , cleaning and almost all activities that do not care . Without water , life is impossible.

Water covers about two-thirds of the total land area. The vast expanse of the seas and oceans has long been our main source of food and transportation . Millions of fish in the Sea. They provide abundant food. Most of us have eaten fish , except those who do not eat meat. Most of humanity will continue to eat fish .

Rivers, seas and oceans provide man with an important means of travel. In ancient times , men explored the land around the Sea. British , Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and others all came to less developed world in their ships. Conquered or colonized what they found . Much of what we today are influenced by travelers who have passed through the seas on board a long time ago .

Today, rivers of the world are of great importance for humanity. Huge oil, container and other ply these routes. In fact, many shipping routes are overcrowded .

When water is scarce , such as when there is a drought , when we know how terrible consequences may be . Plants, animals and human beings perish. The affected land becomes barren and dry. Nothing grows . In the middle of the Sahara desert , where there is little rain, it is also very little life. In particular, we sand and more sand. No man can live .

People living near or around deserts know the value of water. They know how important it is and they are very careful to use it. We who live in a country where water is abundant , think nothing standing in the shower for an hour and a half. Those who live in arid areas do not have that luxury. They can not afford to waste water as we do .

Being a Teenager Can Be the Best Time in Your Life

Being a teenager can be the best time of your life. Secondary schools have the energy and life teen-oriented , giving them the opportunity to acquire the skills they need to be successful adults . Sometimes we travel through this maze called life we encounter stumbling blocks that turn into mountains. A day in the life of a teenager is normal and carefree and the next day seems dark and gloomy .

The life of a teenager can change with the introduction of a new friend. Life can change with a friend moves away. For some teenagers , the freedom to drive a can change their entire life. Perhaps the young man gets a part time job and life changing . It is possible that the child meet someone online who can influence dramatically. Whatever the influence, once a troubled teen to identify an intervention should be done as quickly as possible. More child explores the lifestyle prohibited, the harder it will be to fish in In fact, sometimes , no wobbles again, they are lost forever .

There are many programs for troubled teens . Some communities have systems to help the child , parents and other family members affected by the change of behavior problems among adolescents. Parents and adolescents have more searching , groups of local parents or local hospitals and behavioral health organizations churches . Parents should be recognized as soon as possible that the child needs help, and the sooner the better.

There comes a point where the behavior is out of control and the child and parents should separate for a while . There are programs to help make the transition as well . Parents should think about your child. They need to understand what is the best option for their personalities. Parents should think of other children at home . As a parent , you are an example for all. If you do nothing , you may regret it the next child .

There are military programs, the houses of the girl and boy home . There are programs just for the weekend and programs for weeks or months at a time. There are schools that help children in the state and outside the state. With a little research , parents and teens can find the right program for your situation.

Foot Massage Techniques - How to Give a Foot Massage

Foot Massage

While most people do not know how to give a good massage, you can not say to give a foot massage , very little effort or knowledge on how to give a foot massage as most needed people like to have their feet touched and caressed , especially after an activity when irritated or sore . The only exception is if the person is too sensitive, or you are self-conscious about their feet, because they think they are "ugly" or deformity such as onions.

So , most people can easily give a great feeling of foot massage and the good news is that with a few tips and a willingness to have a go and practice (and I 'm sure you 'll have no problem find a pig loans Guinea ) , which can easily be transferred from a novice to a foot massage expert.

Ok , if you want to learn a little foot massage therapy we'll start with some basics . The foot massage is often linked to the idea of reflexology , a therapy system that uses the application of pressure to the reflex point on the body ( and often the feet) to treat ailments , aches and pains . A good foot massage can certainly incorporate ideas from the theory of reflexology however, can be very different, and requires no specialized knowledge. In fact , it can be much simpler and yet give much more immediate result, as it can quickly make the receiver feel comforted , relieved, and as they leave with a new pair of feet.

A pair of strong hands is a good start. Then take towels and massage oil. If it is a " quickie " massage cream sorbolene foot do a great job , is an exceptional emollient and cheap to buy too much, but absorbs quickly into the skin if you give a massage plus foot paste with oil . Now the receiver have washed your feet , or you can do for them if you feel comfortable doing and ready to pamper beyond the call of duty .

Wash your recipient will feel more at ease and make you feel more comfortable while giving a foot massage feet. If you want to make a habit, you can get a foot massage or foot spa massage bath and soak in the luxury before the start of the session. It is also a treat, as the feet generally receive much less attention than the hands .

Ok , now for some massage techniques on the feet. I think it is good to proceed in this order:

Start by greasing the feet and provide a general throughout rub palms
Then a little manipulation , to stand heel of one hand and with the other , gently hold and turn the front foot to the right and left
Manipulate the toes, turn, up and down , left and right, and continue to massage and caress deep between the toes
Massage in small circles on the soles of the feet with the thumbs and kneading with the fingers, the palm heel or joints
Now this is a bit complicated. Take your foot like a hamburger , toes up , fingers on top , thumbs down under the toes . Manipulate the joints of the toes, lifting each independent board upside down.
Massage the top of the foot with the palm of the hand and / or fingers . The top of the foot bone so be careful not to apply too much direct pressure on a bone.
Complete with all the other rub
If you learn and practice how to give a foot massage with this technique will be a success to have the pleasure of receiving foot massage skills . Remember more you practice, the better you get, and the receiver will be happier!

How to Relax Before Bed So You Can Sleep Better

Many people have trouble sleeping . When he was in bed , often do not feel tired enough or not enough sleep relaxed. Find out what you can to help you relax before bed so you can sleep better.

Have a break before going to bed. This is a time when you do things that you will find peace so that you can pause between pinch and fall asleep . This is important for many people , especially sleep problems to rest at night.

Avoid stimulants them drinks before going to bed . These are things that are very high in sugar or caffeine. This will give you a boost of energy in the body making it more difficult to relax.

Read a book before bed . To bed to relax and start reading . For many, this will help you get tired, comfortable, and wants to sleep .

Take out your contacts . For many people who wear contact lenses, it rests her eyes a little . When this happens , it is easier to relax.

Play soft music and turn off the lights . Place on your bed or in a comfortable chair for a small listening . It helps a lot to feel good and comfortable.

Have a conversation with someone you like and your partner. In a healthy relationship , it is something that will make you feel better .

Consider getting some form of exercise during the day. This challenges the body and makes you tired . You want to relax and unwind before bed a lot, because you will be tired . Some have good results that this the end of the night to be even more tired .

Take a bath or a hot shower before bed . This relaxes the muscles and it will be much easier to go to bed tired wanting to sleep .

Some people have difficulty relaxing making it difficult to sleep. Find out what you can do to help you relax a bit more before going to bed.

How to Take Care of Straight Hair

 ? How to Take Care of Straight Hair

Since I joined my hair care has increased, and the ends look great. This is what I do for my hair :

Never wash your hair with shampoo, conditioner only as VO5 Free Me Freesia Moisturizing or Suave Daily Clarifying Conditioner or White Rain Extra Body . If you buy these , make sure you get the exact product , like all these brands have many different products , some of which are not good for much of anything. Dilute half conditioner water , to help better penetration. Then use it in handfuls . All these brands are very cheap , so the cost is not a problem. Make a scalp massage while washing to remove any accumulation of skin ( only a problem if you tend to have dandruff ) , then repeat for the duration of scalp twice in total.

Then apply a moisturizing conditioner as intense carrot Elasta QP Hollywood Beauty or cholesterol. It would be a conditioner without silicones (ingredients ending in cone , read the list of ingredients). Finally, finish with a little Pantene Pro - V , while I rinse and comb.

Some people complain about the dangerous accumulation of silicones in Pantene Pro - V To avoid this, start wetting the hair washing with a mixture of 1/2 cup of vinegar in warm water at least once a week . Ever accumulation of problems.

Press hair, then put it in a towel. Take down , comb again, and then put back on a dry towel. For now, take down , is wetter than wet . Now, put 2 drops of jojoba scope and work it into the ends , and the section on the back of his neck short break . This seems to prevent the feeling of " dry end " and makes it more stylish hair .

Good Dog Food That Promotes Dog's Health and Longevity

For most dog owners to the question of what is a good dog food often slips in one direction or the other, as dog owners are willing to feed their dogs with the best food possible. However, there is no single answer to the question of what is a good meal, but there are some things that define foods that are considered good and healthy.

When we talk about the good and healthy food in no way means that certain foods or brands are the best food can be good for one dog may not suit another . What this clearly means is that dog owners are struggling to find food that is not good for dogs , it is the food that your dog healthy and also love for him. This combination is very important because your dog can love a particular food that you can not exactly be healthy for him , for example, if your dog reacts to a particular type of food, however, is obvious to you that you love food, it is only wise on your part to stop the food.

Each food healthy dog ​​should have high quality protein and moisture , which helps prevent organ failure , such as renal failure .

It is very important that the dog food is nutritionally balanced because nutritional deficiencies in dogs display much faster than humans.

Some general tips on choosing healthy foods ingredients :

Must be high in meat is more than half of the ingredients should be meat or related.
A healthy diet should not contain too much load and not the products .
Must not contain carcinogenic preservatives.
A healthy diet should include high-quality grains , such as brown rice, oats , barley and wheat or corn not .
Foods that contain artificial dyes should be avoided.
Feeding your dog high quality food means he eats less compared to when fed foods of poor quality because it will try to eat more to get more nutrients from the food poor quality .

Feeding the high quality food not only means better health insurance for your dog, but your body is able to use up more nutrients in the food quality which means less driving in reverse, compared to food down and poor quality food .

Maintain Your Cat's Health With These Simple Tips

Cat's Health

Your cat depends on you to help you stay healthy . After all the food , care for it and make all the decisions for her. As we humans , cats need certain things to help promote and maintain a strong immune system overall health . There are some areas that you can focus on helping you stay healthy .

The food is the foundation of your cat

As cats need a healthy diet to thrive. What you choose to feed your cat can have a strong impact on your health. Their food is the nutritional base. Some cats have a very strong system, but others may have reactions to certain ingredients found in conventional foods for cats, it is important to choose healthy foods for your cat.

If you do not know how to read food labels for cats can be difficult to decipher what is really healthy and what can not be healthy. Look for labels that have more ingredients you can pronounce and food with whole food ingredients on the front. Avoid foods that have a lot of unidentified byproducts . Usually companies that make food for organic and natural cat uses the best ingredients , so if you 're not sure what to buy natural foods start with biological or cats.

The other thing to consider is whether you should feed her wet food or dry food . Dry food is definitely easier , but some cats do not do as well on dry food only. For best results feed your cat wet food or at least a mixture of dry and wet . By nature, rely on their food to get some of their water. Cats with urinary problems should eat wet food for cats.

Do not forget to water

Access to a couple of bowls of fresh water is also an important way to maintain the health of your cat, especially if you have urinary problems in the past. Keep container in different places. Cats often like drinking in a different place than where they eat . If your cat does not drink enough despite some places to drink regarded as a source. Cats love to drink water in motion.

Cats need exercise

Your cat also needs regular exercise , like you, to stay healthy . They must also practice mental stimulation. Cats can become bored and depressed without it. Playing with your cat every day , if only for a time. This can be a fun time for you too, cats can be great fun when they play . Try rotating toys so they do not get bored.

By providing your cat with some of these basics, you can help provide the foundation you need to be healthy. This will give you more quality time with it and you might even save you money by avoiding some of the common health problems cat.

Drink a Green Drink For Good Health

A green drink is a mixture of vegetables, sprouts , herbs and other healthy vegetables. Everyone knows that vegetables are good for you, but there are plenty of research showing that plants can be even more important than we thought in the prevention of diseases. The basic theory , which is supported by many scientists, is that sweet , acidic foods cause all sorts of health problems weight gain cold. Then there are alkaline foods such as vegetables . Research shows that once you get rid of acid in your body, improve your health, increase your levels and release of stored energy and lose weight quickly fat. Take a green glass (or 2 or 3) every day can go a long way to get rid of acid in your body.

We have already established that vegetables are good for you and I hope nobody out there that will argue this point. Eating enough fruits and vegetables () can be very difficult in today's hectic world . One way to ensure that you get enough healthy vegetables is to have plenty of both . You can do your vegetable juice . You get most of the benefits of eating vegetables and enjoy several servings of vegetables in a glass. Your body will absorb nutrients more quickly than if you ate the plant, not having to digest all the solids in the plant. There are many resources out there to tell you what vegetable is better, but overall , all the vegetables are good and the greens are better. The best thing to do is take some vegetables and juice together to make a drink. An apple can really sweeten the drink to add one of those is a good idea when you start to get used to. My favorite vegetable is cucumber juice , because it has a very alkalizing effect ( antacid ) in the body and is very liquid so you do not have a thick drink that is more difficult to drink. You must drink the juice immediately , however, as it will spoil very quickly ( within hours ) . This is the essence of a fresh green drink.

As I mentioned , getting enough vegetables in a busy world can be difficult. It can also be difficult to make enough money to buy all the vegetables you need time , they juice, then clean the juicer whenever you need a green drink . There is no easy solution. You can buy your green drink powder form which is mixed with water or capsule. If you get a high quality green drink that still contains more nutrients than juice when you get some vegetables.

It may seem that this green drink is expensive, but when you think about the juice extraction cost, you will see that it is not only more convenient form of powder , it is much cheaper. When you buy green drink powder , which cost about $ 1 per drink. If you buy a large container , which will be less than $ 1 per serving. Keeping it simple fresh green drink is 1 cucumber , a couple of carrots, and maybe an apple for flavor. This facility will cost $ 1 per drink and not get all the other things in powder green glass. If you can not handle the drink, many vendors have also put powder in a capsule. You get all the benefits of the mix and it will only cost you a little more per serving. See below links to two suppliers of high quality green drinks . Both have to mix powders and capsules not to mention many other health supplements of high quality.

I hope this has helped you. I experienced first-hand the health benefits of a green drink can make , especially if used in combination with a little exercise and a healthy lifestyle in general. Even if you change nothing else, having 1 or 2 green glasses each day will have a dramatic impact on your health and well-being. Good luck!

Children's Health - Choosing Healthy Foods For Your Kids

Are you concerned about your child's eating habits ? It can be a challenge to feed a healthy diet every day children, but I have a secret weapon. A smoothie home is an easy way to serve your child at least one serving of fruit , vegetables and calcium each day. Follow these five simple tips to help your child to eat a nutritious diet :

Five tips for nutrition efforts of the most nutritious children:

3 + servings of vegetables , 2 servings of fruit , 3 servings of grain products whole grains, 3 servings of calcium foods , the whole half of the body weight in grams of healthy lean protein

A serving of vegetables is just a cup of raw or 1/2 cup prepared vegetables. Although it can often be difficult to achieve for small and raw vegetables , children easy to understand at least one serving of vegetables in a delicious homemade smoothie. Spinach, greens and steamed carrots are particularly easy to hide in smoothies mouth water . One of the best smoothie recipe with juice called Frog mixed vegetables, and my favorite recipe is made with rabbit carrot juice . Your kids will love to eat your vegetables if you serve in a healthy smoothie !

Is much simpler and easier to convince children to eat fruit instead of vegetables. A serving of fresh fruit is real fruit ( eg, apple or mango ) , or 3/ 4 cup berries. Although the fruit is not necessary to make great drinks , smoothies taste better with fresh fruit has been added! Frozen Bananas Smoothies are very popular because they add cold and creamy texture to the drink . Preparing to add banana in a smoothie juice is virtually nonexistent : just peel and pull in. Apples are another popular to add fresh fruit smoothies . Apples are very nutritious and good taste.

Whole grain products have a higher nutritional value than processed , highly refined , white grains. Because children consume relatively little size food every day , it is essential to ensure they get the maximum nutritional value for the amount of food they eat. A serving of whole grains is equal to 1/ 2 cup cooked rice or pasta , 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup dry oats or 1 cup of breakfast cereal every grain (less than 6 grams of sugar , and 3 grams of fiber or more per serving) . You can easily add a serving of breakfast cereal to your child drinks , or add the dry oats if your vita console is quite effective . The whole grain is in the baby section is another option , but it will be difficult to find a baby cereal with at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.

It is likely that your child will have almost all of your daily calcium supplement drinking milk, but calcium is also found in yogurt, cottage cheese, traditional cheese , green vegetables , legumes , tofu, and with calcium-fortified foods such as orange juice and fruit waffles. Some of the calcium is equal to 1 cup of milk, yogurt or calcium-fortified juice , half a cup of beans or broccoli, or four ounces of tofu. You should look for low -fat versions of milk, yogurt and cheese, which are healthier because they have less fat that clogs arteries. Children aged 2 must always consume 1% milk , never the rich variety of fat . Smoothies made ​​from low-fat milk , soy milk , vegetable juice citrus or even low fat yogurt are especially delicious to consume calcium solutions .

Lean protein is another sticking point in the diet of children. My son weighs 36 pounds . It is ideal for her to eat half of that in grams, 18 grams of lean protein each day. Children can get protein from a variety of sources: cooked chicken , burgers chicken , yogurt, low fat milk , peanut butter , tofu , eggs , almonds, veggie burgers , lasagna , cheese and protein sources are common among this age group in particular . You really have to look at the nutritional information of a specific amount of protein gram for each item. Try to hold the chicken with BBQ turkey burgers are definitely heavy weight on average twenty grams of protein portion is the size of the palm of the hands. Yogurt , low -fat dairy products , peanut butter and tofu are generally excellent sources of protein necessary adjustment that taste great in smoothies child !

Now that we have reduced all the rules of nutrition that you can see exactly how to use our nutritious smoothie recipes for children could go to considerable resources to ensure that your child eats a great tasting , healthy meal every day. All the best!

fast weight loss- the best - Rapid - healthy - Burn More Fat

Weight Loss :

So you want to lose a few pounds and get fairly quickly Weight Loss
 . I guess you have a diet plan in order and looking for some exercises to lose weight quickly to accelerate the process of burning fat, and you get to your ideal weight as soon as possible.Weight Loss  Burn fat

In this article I will share with you three of the best exercises I know for losing weight fast. Of course there are many choices , but for me , they are above the calorie burning and muscle definition.Weight Loss

A . Get your running shoes : Many people do not consider running as an option for weight loss , probably because they think it will be very difficult , and people are in great shape Weight Loss  .
 I mean, when have you ever seen a jogger not fat?
Burn fat

But the truth is that almost never see a fat runner because running more calories and more fat than bands almost every other exercise burns .
Weight Loss   There really is not difficult . Like any other physical activity you try, start slowly and gradually increase your workout.Burn fat

First, you need a pair of running shoes quality Burn fat .
 Sometimes it's a good idea to ask your dealer for advice as it may be curved or flat feet.Weight Loss  Running in the wrong type of shoe can of course walk sometimes painful . Now that you have your shoes, go on ...

There are two ways for beginners to start running. You can take the bull by the horns and run a mile or two if its safe to do so Weight Loss
  . Or, run then walk , then run in intervals of two minutes, which may increase over time until you until you run a mile without stopping.

Run your average two years miler three days between Monday to Friday and distance learning on the weekend. His long term should increase by about 20 % every week and no more.

 Weight Loss This increase in distance from their long-term training is the key to fast weight loss Burn fat.

Final note: Do not worry if breathless , you have to stop .
 Everyone has those moments in the beginning. When you feel this way , try to stop the right to almost a walk, but jog.
 Weight Loss Burn fat   You should be able to catch my breath and continue without stopping. Of course if you feel uncomfortable at any time, stop and recover.

Two . Get training weight : It is often thought that weight training is purely for muscle building and has nothing to do with weight loss, but evil.
Weight Loss  There are many great research that has been done, suggesting that lifting weights is exactly what you should do if your serious about burning calories.
Burn fat
Studies show that after a good workout session you will experience a significant increase in your metabolic rate.
 This means that the rate at which you burn calories increases Weight Loss  , even hours after your workout. So it is not only burning fat at an accelerated pace of dinner is also pressing , shaping and defining your body.Weight Loss Burn fat

Joining a gym is a good idea because you not only have the use of all equipment, but there is usually someone to answer any questions you may have Weight Loss  . In addition , having someone to train with can really make a difference when it comes to motivation.Burn fat

Three . Stools and training:
They are real lower body burners that you can easily do at home . Its designed to remove fat and shape the hips, buttocks and legs with spectacular results, but like anything , you need to take action and engage in these exercises every day.

Training stairs : Add and scale for about two minutes and then rest for a minute. Repeat this routine four times and do not forget to rest between sets , which is important.
 No doubt you 'All feel this exercise working all areas of law. Weight Loss  Hope your legs burn like crazy and feel like jelly after .

For the stage of training : Use lower the rung of the ladder to him , or a stool or low chair , not above his neck. Down after continuously for two minutes, then rest for a minute.
Weight Loss  Repeat this routine four times.Agility Burn fat Now try the same exercise but with a side step.
 Step aside for a minute with the right foot, then turn around and do the same with the left. Again, repeat this four times with pauses intermediate routing.

You may find that you can push a little more often than I have given here . On the other hand, you may have to put in place at this level.Agility
Weight Loss Burn fat Once you are comfortable with these workouts and start finding easier over time , make sure to increase the time of each series.Agility

Remember that any exercise , everyone levels of different fitness . So take your time at first, getting to know your own physical ability.
 If you feel sick to downtime ant , and above all, take care!Agility

Sometimes we all need a little help, a nudge in the right direction Weight Loss .Agility
 Rob Davies is a diet and fitness researcher with an obsessive passion for the problem of weight
 loss Burn fat.

that's the best way to do Weight Loss .Agility.

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind For Happiness, Health, Riches and More

Subconscious Mind

If you do not trust , you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence , you have won even before you have started . - Quote Marcus Garvey

Imagine all the things you want and dream every day. In fact, you can program your subconscious mind for happiness, health , creativity and wealth you deserve to focus only on what you want to happen.

What do you think about all day? Do you limit your ideas with self-destructive beliefs and negative attitudes? Instead , entertain thoughts that are worthy of their natural birthright law. Continuous feed your mind thoughts of well-being , enjoyment , prosperity and fulfillment.

For starters, every day to reprogram your subconscious mind to bring you the behaviors that are necessary to express the ideal you . With a little practice, you can develop a positive quality you want . The more you practice positive behaviors , you become more unique, confident and enthusiastic .

Make a list of qualities that you have now that are positive and unique, and get rid of those negative and weaken its power to achieve what is best for you . In return, you influence others to your best self and to attract the best of the rest for you. For example, some thoughts to your mind tells feeding may include:

A . I am grateful for what I have now. Gratitude brings its own reward.

Two . Happily give to others, so you can not receive , however, is known to give directly to the construction of positive rewards for the future success rates.

Three . My enthusiasm is at a high level . The excitement increases his self-confidence and autonomy. Rely on others for their happiness decreases their self-esteem.

April. I am willing to seek knowledge or assistance when I do not know the answer. Create a mental picture of what you want to achieve and get the help you need to get there.

May My confidence to achieve a goal that keeps me growing . You have a purpose in life gives you something to strive for .

6 . I am rich from what I am and not for what I have. Be thankful for what you have now and what is coming in the future.

7 . The exchange of information that helps others can change your life for the better. By giving to others, you earn respect, eliminate envy and selflishness background.

8 . I always give my best and expect nothing in return. Something good feedback for me without asking.

9 . I am always and constantly aware of my emotions, my health and stay well , my behavior and my beliefs and thoughts. Thus, negative thoughts can be removed immediately . Negativity repels instead of attracting .

10 . My state of being and my personal life choices are in harmony with what you wish to attract. You attract what you focus more often.

11 . Having a positive attitude is evident in my income and my expenses . I have no problem paying my dues , and get what they want . I put positive energy to more prosperity may come my way.

12 . I realize that wealth can be experienced when it is based on honesty and trust. Therefore, I will participate only in operations that serve others with love, harmony and belief in them and myself.

When you set the ball and you limit your thinking in any part of your life, you deprive your God gives very nature not to be all that you can be. Wealth, health , happiness and creativity is a state of mind . When you focus your mind on these qualities of life , you can create your own destiny.

Positive behaviors are effective and life-changing . Make your affirmations of happiness, well -being, success and prosperity now.

Home Fitness Programs - Developed to Lose Weight and Stay Fit

Home Fitness Programs

One of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy body is to perform the best exercise routines . When we talk about these routines , we do not focus only on visiting the gym. Today, it is easy to discover a large number of training programs at home beneficial. This means that we can enjoy performing exercises without leaving home .

However, how can you determine the best option to keep your body healthy and fit? With many physical fitness programs available on any home video and DVD , it is very important to choose the best training and motivation. Your choice should be able to help you lose unwanted you develop lean muscle and fat.

Note that regular exercise plays a very important factor in maintaining a healthy body . In addition to building muscle and burning fat , metabolism also improves gradually. Once you allow your body gets used to the routine , you look toned and fit . If you can find a good home exercise program , it is easier to understand the specific instructions to achieve an objective fitness successfully.

One of the most effective home fitness program today includes controlled Fatigue training. When you have the best training program is not necessary to join a gym . This option is also very affordable, because it is never going to invest in expensive equipment to strengthen in the conduct of the program. Following the instructions of the video, you have the best home exercise at any time of the day. The most important factor here is that you will not leave the house when the exercises are performed .

Health experts believe that people who are beginners in the world of fitness can benefit from this type of exercise greatly . They have the opportunity to learn the basics of how to run their routines appropriately. With the guidance of an expert fitness routines to instruct in the video, to get the best tips to keep your body healthy through exercise and good nutrition.

The good thing about fitness programs available at home now is that we can easily lose weight through body challenge you exercise regularly . Remember that , despite their hectic daily schedule , it is important to assign a time to exercise at home to eliminate unwanted fat and calories . Have the best fatigue training program , you will notice a gradual progress if you follow the exact rate. This is crucial to ensure that your muscles are well developed and burn fat effectively.

With many diet tips and exercise techniques today that it is important to give priority to the welfare of his body. Choosing the best training and the combination of a good diet, you can achieve the fitness goal most remarkable shape. In short, everything your body that are making real efforts to enjoy a healthy lifestyle is admired .

Undoubtedly , the combination of the best dietary supplements like whey protein can also benefit from the general part of your training program at home. Lately, most of the best protein supplements are available from reliable manufacturers and you need to identify the best company . When you choose , check the label carefully to determine active ingredients.

Sexy Foods That Boost Your Sex Life

Enhanced foods for sex

A satisfying sex life can be maintained and promoted by exercise, good mental health and also some food ! A nutritious and balanced diet with foods that will talk can help keep your high libido and reproductive organs fully operational . Some nutrients can deter infections and maintain all levels of the sex hormone healthy and balanced .

I will talk about foods that are necessary to maintain healthy reproductive system and high libido. Other advantages are that they can increase their chances of fertility , as well as the relief of symptoms caused by the stresses of modern life.

Examples that do not positively contribute to the sexual life and overall health :

Insufficient zinc can cause infertility and impotence

Moderate levels of alcohol may help you feel relaxed, but too much can be bad for your sex life and general health

Drinking coffee , tea and cola contain caffeine , which can reduce libido.

Being overweight or underweight can reduce your libido and decrease fertility . A healthy weight is necessary for ovulation and menstruation

Negativity and depression is not conducive to a level of confidence required by the sex and relationships
Foods to fight against fatigue , stress and lack of sexual energy :

Vitamin A - liver, egg yolk , cheese , butter and carrots are good sources of vitamin A. It addresses the epithelial tissues . These lining the outer and inner surfaces of the body, including the lining of the vagina and uterus .

Vitamin B - Women who want to become pregnant should ensure that you eat plenty of foods rich in folic acid before conception and that the lack of vitamin B2 and folic acid have been associated with infertility Watercress is a good source of folic acid. Chicken, fish, lean meat, wheat germ, brewer's yeast , beans and legumes , peanuts and bananas provide B6. These foods are rich in folic acid. In addition, leafy vegetables like kale and spinach and liver, oranges, avocados , beets and broccoli are rich in folic acid.

Vitamin C - increases the vitamin could help increase your chances of fertility , especially in men. Improves the quality of sperm. It is also good for the prevention of the disease known as " bonding " , which is when the sperm is maintained and are not able to reach the egg . All fruits and vegetables , especially kiwi fruit , blackcurrants, strawberries , citrus fruits , peppers , have high levels of vitamin C.

Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the eggs. Foods that contain high levels of this wonderful vitamin are safflower , sunflower seeds , vegetable oils , nuts and seeds , margarine, wheat germ and avocados.

Zinc - oysters are good for your sex life! This is because they are the richest source of dietary zinc. Zinc is important in the production of sperm and a healthy and responsible sexual life. Low sperm count and libido have been linked to zinc deficiency . It can be found in foods such as seafood (especially oysters !) , Green vegetables , lean red meat , turkey, whole wheat bread and brown rice .
Other foods and vitamins you looking amazing :

Selenium - for the production of sperm, healthy is an essential mineral eggs. It is in brown rice , oats , lean meats and offal examples flakes.

Manganese - which is essential for the metabolism of estrogen, a female hormone. A lack of manganese reduces fertility in women. Pineapple , beans , peas , spinach , chestnuts , tea , oats, whole grains, wheat germ and raisins are good sources .

Essential fatty acids - linoleic acid is important for sperm production . To find in oils, nuts, sunflower seeds and vegetables.

Phytoestrogens - this is a chemical found in plants. It looks like estrogen . Abundant in soybeans and other soy products . It is known to help deter breast cancer and prostate cancer .

Antioxidants - The risk of cervical cancer can reduce the consumption of fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants.
Throughout the ages of foods such as ginseng , onion , garlic, plums, carrots, artichokes , ginger and eggplant are all foods that are known to promote sexual health, libido and sexual pleasure.

The Benefits of a Strawberry Smoothie

The Benefits of a Strawberry 

Benefits and nutritional value of your smoothie depends on what is said in it. If you want a nutritious snack 

low in calories, low in fat, then you can consider a strawberry milkshake . Here are some of the benefits you get from the ingredients found in their strawberry milkshake .


A . A cut is rich in vitamin C compared to other citrus . It is capable of providing up to 149 percent of the daily value . Vitamin C is essential for the human body, because it takes us away from coughs and colds, and diseases such as heart problems, cataracts, etc. .

Two . A good source of dietary fiber. A cup of strawberries has 13 % of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber , but has only 43 calories. These dietary fiber is good to keep the digestive system running smoothly and will also help you to not overeat.

Three . Antioxidant. Your strawberry is an excellent source of antioxidants. Phenol , a chemical compound therein increases uric acid in the body , which serves as an antioxidant.

April. Anti - inflammatory . Phenol is also able to help your body through various inflammations such as asthma , arthritis and atherosclerosis. Their ability to help a person overcome the inflammation is that ibuprofen and aspirin can also supply , but leave all the side effects that can provide you , too.

May Bone health . Magnesium, potassium and vitamin K are responsible for providing the strongest bone . These nutrients are found in strawberries , too.

A quarter cup NATURAL YOGURT

A . Yogurt helps the colon. It contains lacto bacteria , a type of good bacteria, which are responsible for reducing the conversion of a carcinogenic biliary bile acid . While there are plenty of good bacteria in your colon , diseases can be stopped . Yogurt is also rich in calcium is responsible for the reduced risk of colon cancer. Prevents bile acids that cause cancer to form around your colon wall .

Two . Yogurt stimulates the immune system . It has the potential to maximize the production of interferon . It stimulates white blood cells, which are able to fight against different viruses and bacteria found in your body.

Three . Yoghurt decreases the formation of the yeast . Many women who have a yeast infection in the vagina. Take 8 ounces of yogurt regularly each day will help you reduce the yeast infection and can also help a person who has the condition again .

Half cup MILK

A . Milk provides calcium , phosphorus , magnesium and proteins that are responsible for providing well-developed bones. It gives enough strength to bones and helps to grow , too.

Two . Milk decreases down cardiovascular problems. There were studies that men and women who regularly consume milk have less risk of heart attacks and high blood pressure. This is because it is able to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the blood.

Three . The lower milk fat content reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes . Diabetes has been a big problem for many. But then, drinking enough low-fat milk every day reduces the chances of developing the disease type 2 due to the presence of calcium and magnesium diabetes, and has a low glycemic index, which helps to lower blood sugar.

These are just some of the benefits that could be gained from having a strawberry milkshake . You just need to make sure you mix it is good for the body so that you get all these wonderful benefits .

Using confidence blender, just mix everything and add some ice and experience the regeneration of their strawberry milkshake is , especially during a hot and sunny day.

Easy Ways To Find Heart Healthy Foods

Foods good for the heart

Often a routine visit with your health care professional may end up with a smile and a strong recommendation to eat more healthy foods heart . For some of us , this may seem like an impossible task, but it really is not. To find heart healthy foods visit your favorite store . Although probably not find a room called "Heart healthy foods " to your favorite grocery store , you can find a good variety of healthy foods heart there . Most of these foods are high in fiber. Foods rich in fiber are good for heart health , digestion and weight loss . If you want or need to lower cholesterol, fiber lowers "bad" LDL cholesterol. A simple strategy can help you quickly and easily find those foods. We recommend that you use your shopping list of healthy food for the heart than your card. Although the card is rarely a picture of the whole country , it is always best to start with a card and use it. This list will remind you that you are there to do. You can also keep on task and reduce the need to buy unhealthy foods. To make your grocery effective only buy the food you want to eat experience. In their quest for the heart healthy foods , the card will take several aisles of food. We suggest you start with some high fiber foods in the produce aisle . If you have favorite food store aisle with fresh fruits and vegetables affordable to have it . Fill your basket with a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure you get the benefits of heart healthy foods that offer both .

Generally, the darker the green color of the fiber. Choose fiber-rich foods such as broccoli , spinach or kale . Choose vegetables that are medium in size , such as red , russet or sweet potatoes and onions all good amounts of fibers . Apples, avocados , kiwis, oranges , pears, blueberries, cherries and strawberries and fresh fruits are excellent sources of fiber.
However, if prices are out of reach or fresh fruits and vegetables are not available , canned and dry goods aisles offer good alternatives. Recognize that some fruits and vegetables refined or processed canned are lower in fiber . Please avoid those canned with sugar or lard can sabotage efforts to eat healthy foods for the heart. Before adding fruits and canned vegetables to your cart, read the labels carefully.

Finally, while browsing the driveway dry remember that all beans are rich in fiber , and white beans and white beans are fiber dense.Garbanzo , also called chickpeas goods, beans, pinto beans are also a healthy food choices heart to put in your shopping cart. Use beans as a tasty addition to soups or salads and turn them into delicious and lip smacking experience . Be adventurous and try other vegetables are also rich in fiber. Now that you know how easy it is to find heart healthy foods you can eat more of them. You will feel better and look better and have more energy .

Find aa good coach heart health to help you along your journey of healthy diet for the heart . Accountability make a difference in the ability to maintain their commitment to life.

Yoga: My Affirmation Of Health And Life --- And the best exercises and tips -----The secret of the influence of yoga on self -----Interest

YOGA)My Affirmation Of Health And Life)
And the best exercises and tips
The secret of the influence of yoga on self

What is Yoga

Yoga is divided into several sections including : yoga interested in spiritual knowledge , and selfless acts interested in yoga for any extremely interested in yoga and meditation

All types of yoga former does not concern us , but we care about the arts of yoga that gives you a strong body , thanks to a set of techniques that make the body a healthy

And divided this type of yoga into two

   Adjust breathing exercises , which reflected all of them exercise on the body and thought

  Implementation of physical postures , and stay motionless or completed movements

To make the most of yoga should reconcile consistently between physical postures and breathing method

The right time is the time to be relaxed which provided that after eating at least two hours and preferably wait a quarter of an hour after the session before you eat , the best places are being where the air , and the best dress is the dress light , and care should be taken on empty tract of harm before the hearing

Should Continuously yoga sessions and if 10 minutes a day or a week , the number is not important but what is important positions implemented is to continue long enough and maintenance

Benefits of Yoga 

 Increased flexibility 

  Improve bone mass 

   Improve blood circulation 

  Increased focus 

  Improve the immune system 

  Pain Relief 


  Improve the appearance of the body 

  Increase muscle bear 

  Muscle relaxation 

The secret of the influence of psychological and physical yoga

When you start pulling or stretching the parties to the nerves , muscles, and you bend or twist the spine and joints of the ankle , knee, hip , it is natural that your health will improve and you will feel relieved immediately

Fbmt nerves less tension and stress. Yoga is for everyone , not for a handful of people and not others . It helps teens to gain the right conditions and comfortable , just help them in dealing with life's problems and the formation of sound structure and sectiones and Seema . And certainly also help them to overcome the inferiority complex associated with the novelty of Age

As adults can also take advantage of all the benefits of yoga that can be obtained from the exercise group exercises and simple movements that do not require weights or special tools to exercise

There are studies that show that men and women who are in the age of sixty have vigorously by the regular practice of yoga

Correct breathing is also a yoga exercises . If a person has mastered the correct way to breathe and did not mastered the other modes of yoga to the need for other exercises . The doctors contend that Alasrion five thousand years ago . Valtnevs right prevents heart attack , which is the main reason for most of the deaths in the world

Also, the practice of yoga helps to reduce or get rid of peptic ulcer and stroke . Add to this to get rid of back pain , which often lead to situations sit Incorrect which in turn caused a lot of health problems . Valamod spine should remain moderate while sitting . Yoga learn that the person

The purpose of keeping the spine erect or moderate is to facilitate the transmission of vital currents freely and without hindrance from the brain to all parts of the body

The yoga also help to reduce weight or redistribute how proportionate , as help to enhance memory and enhance brain power and get rid of the cold or cold in the winter. The hair also grows at a faster pace due to the practice of yoga , reason and body work harmonically complete , giving a delicate balance at both the physical and psychological

There are people in the seventy years of age who practice satisfaction head shoulders begin to feel the recovery in the labor and lightness in the body. During meditation , which they see as the best and most suitable conditions for the body. There are also exercises help to some extent to the liberation of gravity that pulls the human body to the ground Shada Faihs practitioner abundance of vitality and lightness is like a regular kid came back full force and activity .

There are many actors who practice yoga for the enormous benefits , both mental and physical . But there are a lot of celebrities and world leaders of yoga practitioners to large benefits

The practice of yoga strengthens the will and granted lucidity as help develop queens perception and discrimination in human

And a lot

Get rid of the pressure

Of the most important benefits of yoga because it helps to get rid of the pressure that we feel day by emptying our minds of any ideas for some time and focus on body posture and breathing method will notice that the effects of neurological and mental pressure we are experiencing gradually fade even after the end of the session Yugoslav

  The benefits of physical

    Yoga ease the pain caused by muscle cramps

- To help the process of expelling toxins from the various regions of the body's muscles and even those that do not use in everyday life process of expelling toxins contribute to the increased activity and delay aging and prolong life
    Increase the flexibility all over the body and the strength and supple joints , ligaments, tendons

     Working to strengthen the sexual energy

     Eases blood pressure and reduce the number of heart

     Pulls the body and prevent sagging and this result can be observed after a period of practicing yoga

     Improvement of the efficiency of the process of respiration so reduce the number of breaths we take per minute

    Help to lose weight through a combination of a healthy diet and practicing yoga with light exercise . This has been revealed by researchers that the practice of yoga helps to reduce weight more than the strict diet . It was found through the study of a number of women to practice yoga , interspersed with periods of meditation and relaxation , reduce tension at the person and repel his appetite to eat foods that contain high-calorie or fatty or sugary

   Contribute to the consistency of the muscles of the body and can thus avoid excessive amplification her as a result of weightlifting exercises

   Medical research has shown that yoga eliminate back pain

     Has been detected on the benefits of yoga in alleviating anemia resulting from a lack of iron in the body as it raises the level of hemoglobin in the body , which leads to raise the level of iron in the blood and thus prevent anemia

     Yoga exercises relieve menstrual pain and symptoms of pre- menstrual , which increases with increasing tension

    Yoga address the phenomenon of insomnia and interrupted sleep where that practice yoga a few times throughout the week make you able to gain a greater relaxation and comfort during sleep

  Mental and psychological benefits

Yoga promotes mental ability and increase awareness of the physical , mental , they are working to increase focus and improve working memory , recent studies have proven that yoga helps in the prevention of Alzheimer's . It also helps to increase self- accepting and reduce aggressive , and reduce stress and depression . And ultimately lead to peace of mind and appetite for life happily and tranquility

Finally , yoga feature can be described predisposition to addiction , what can start practice  find yourself behind and can not stop  performance . The yoga activities viable collective exercise inside or outside of the home so that the family can meet to do in the back yard or even inside the house

The most important tips when practicing yoga 

   Registered Notes 
   Allocated a place at home 
   Setting goals 
   Be aware of breathing 
   Early access to Lesson 
   On an empty stomach 
   Listen to your body 
Do not compete 
Do not always practice on your own 
   Free your mind 
   Do not get tired 
   Proper Breathing 
   Learn patience 
   Add some color 
   Eating pattern 
  Appropriate clothing 
  The best time to practice yoga

Errors committed during yoga practice 

   Tensile harshly 
   Intermittent breathing 
   Loss of concentration 
   Non-equilibrium Energy 
   Ignore the pain 
   Neglect warm-up 
   Meditation forced 
  Sort postures 
  Neglect of what should and should not do in the positions of individual


With the advancement of the body in a lifetime less flexibility gradually eventually leading to the emergence of pain and osteoarthritis , yoga can relieve these symptoms and prevent the appearance of the beginning. In the beginning of the exercise may be difficult for beginners to touch their toes and with practice they find that movement is very simple and pain gradually disappear indicating increased body flexibility


Many situations require strengthening body weight in different ways , such as balancing on one foot or body lift on the arms and all this leads to the power of the body's muscles and leads to reduce the chances of back pain or joint pain


Balance is very important whenever age for fear of falling , which will inevitably lead to broken bones may not return to normal again and yoga help to acquire the balance
  Promotion of joint movement

People who suffer from arthritis feel much better after the practice of yoga , and this is because exercise makes joints go to another range , which reduces the chances of osteoarthritis and cartilage erosion

 Back pain

With age bend back , causing severe pain and yoga here to help individual spine and strengthen the muscles of the back, and back relaxed you can exercise daily activities easily even with age
  Promote the production of white blood cells

Yoga practice lead to lengthen the muscles that lead to increased secretion of lymphatic fluid that contains white blood cells . Thus yoga works to strengthen the immune system , which is struggling to prevent infection and arthritis


Breathing of the things that may not draw attention but breathing affects public health and vitality. Yoga exercises and enable practitioners to practice deep breathing which enhances the functions of the brain , muscles and helps in the process of cell respiration

 Blood pressure

Yoga practice lead to lower high blood pressure as a result of a calming influence , and some studies suggest that the practice of yoga lower blood pressure about 20 degrees with persistent practice for 3 months

It is useful to note that we have this body, the same body that is sitting here right now in this room , the same body may be sore , and the spirit that we have right now are exactly what we must be fully human , fully awake and full of life 

Every day I think of her . I miss her . Much . I was strong and capable and relentless. In those days, I shot a pair of 25 pound dumbbells around like they are nothing Yoga . I would go on walks efficiency two three times a week, easily covering eight miles or more. I was in the pool in the intervening days . And while feeling healthy is more important , I must admit that I enjoy slipping into  my size 4 jeans and strutting my stuff Yoga   

But things happen . Things you never Yoga  expect 

I understand the fear gripping chronic illness can have on your life . And if I have my theories , I really do not really know how I got here . But I'm here . There are many days when I can not lift my head from my pillow , let alone Yoga  get my body moving and out of bed. And sometimes I have to help my husband down the hall from the bathroom. It is not as worthy as my life was . I'm very lucky , more than words can express . He took the " in sickness and  Yoga in health " thing seriously 

The last few months have been particularly bad . While exercise is important for me to feel better, I had to take a very slow pace . My days are more extreme .Yoga  On a good week ( and I stress ), I can manage three very slow exercises 30 minutes to walk home on my treadmill . And when I say slow , I mean slow. # 12 miles or 15 minutes . It's more like 20. And absolutely no hills 

Certainly, I can not serve two days in a row . It hurts just too many things to do, and I have to Yoga  allow time for adequate rest. And my days when I feel good , it is my yoga days  

Not without problems. I am in no way a contortionist Yogi can twist and turn your body into crazy Yoga  shapes. In fact, I used to be , and the most difficult part is to accept it . My yoga practice do not really feel like a more practical , in the true sense of the word. I lack the necessary level of intensity.  Yoga Not always energy to manage a continuously flowing stream of postures  , as a greeting to the sun, even for a few minutes. My difficulty Yoga  lies in general pain throughout the body , but especially in the arms and not be strong enough to go to Push Up Plank Pose and dog up ( cobra pose) . There are always Yoga  exceptions movements, but even the so -called continuous flow of poses may be too easy for me. For this reason, often rely on solitary poses, taking my time between each without specific sequence in mind.Yoga Although I 'm not enjoying all the benefits that can stream flowing offer, I know you are doing something positive and good for me 

I am attracted by strengthening poses. But the positions that I enjoy the most are those who wear my رYoga  emotions and gives me inner peace. With a chronic disease , negative emotions are a strong opponent. Any advantage over them is power 
I hope standing poses to feel safe, and Warrior 1 practice more often. I feel the power in my legs and back, almost as if emanating from the position itself. So as you see,Yoga made ​​me feel grounded , centered and balanced. It's amazing what 30 seconds can be realized in this position in each leg. Warrior 2 is simply involved in the same position, but by turning the foot outward to engage different muscles 

Story raises bent back too .Yoga   Bow Pose is not difficult for me. Wake up my body , and having served for only ten seconds, I feel incredibly revitalized me . It engages in the spine, my chest is open, I am full of energy and I can almost feel the stimulation of my nervous system. Any sound stimulation as this is essential for me and many others who suffer from Yoga chronic pain. Bridge Pose is also one of my favorites, I feel my thigh muscles and lower back work when I want . This pose also opens your chest you pose Bow Yoga (one of my problem areas of tension) and the front of the pelvis .Yoga  For us ladies with fibrillation and other chronic pain, we often experience a sense of "congestion" in the basin. Bridge pose can help .Yoga  I know I feel better 

I often practice the King Pigeon pose, but am able to do a variant of this .Yoga  Pigeon king opens hips and spine effectively,Yoga  with the amount of variation depending on the depth of the back curve . I have a lot of pain in my hips, and although this position may not be comfortable for everyone ,Yoga  I really miss her . This is an enlarged rear leg and the other bent basin before  

All inverted poses make me feel as if my circulatory system is trying to accomplish.Yoga  And as the description suggests, they literally give me a different perspective .Yoga  They can change my mood to calm agitation, or loss of power in a few seconds. That's what they should do. I regularly practice the dog down and its variation with one leg ,Yoga  changing my leg punished by an equal amount of time. Downward facing dog elongates the spine, and grip the arms and shoulders. It is important for me, because this is where I carry most of my stress and pain .Yoga  When I finished a variant of the leg, the asymmetric nature of the pose challenges me and involves the brain , so I will focus on alignment 

I also regularly practice shoulder stand . Adequate support for your head, neck and shoulders is important that this posture and attention , but the benefits are amazing.Yoga  With shoulder support, I am able to see my body floating above . This drops me . I remember that my body is amazing and my gratitude for it, despite Yoga  its limitations  

My choice restorative posture is the position of the child , despite my inverted postures can also have a refreshing effect on me, depending on my mood .Yoga This is the release and let go . The position of the child can be a good place to rest between the more difficult poses,Yoga but since they rarely played intense sequences and fluids except for the last  

I really miss my old more than any physical strength. I do not really Yoga care about not being able to get into those tight Cavaliers more . Yes, my weight has crept ,Yoga  but only slightly.Yoga  The biggest change is the way I am meek all. I'm really conflicted , feeling against my body sometimes . I 'm slow on my way to acceptance, but I'm getting there 

A pose, no matter which can make me feel safe.Yoga  Capable . Almighty.Yoga  And for someone like me , to get that feeling for a moment, it is a victory .Yoga  Feeling defeated just disappears.Yoga  And I remember my potential to improve health and to recapture the intensity  

I'm not a beginner. Over the years , I took yoga and teaching experts received.Yoga  If you are interested ,Yoga  but completely new to yoga, to get advice from an experienced before practicing on their own instructor.Yoga  Learn proper alignment ,Yoga  techniques and capabilities of your own body will enhance your home and practice good health 

I decided to join my passions in life, love, health, family and creativity.Yoga Thus was born the love of your dashboard 

Our lives have a beginning, and our life has a purpose. We must make the most of what happens in between.Yoga  To make it more fun . Interesting Amazing 

Love your famous Dash our common ground , our distinctions and individual things and make us awesome .Yoga What you want , the tools and knowledge that we can bring to our lives happier and healthier .Yoga  I want it to be a place that works for the well-being of you , your family , your home and society 

I always aspired to live life my way and make my mark on the world.Yoga  I want to create a place where hopes, dreams , passions , talents, good health, compassion for self and others , and to live life without reservation are all celebrated