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 Acupressure Chinese

What is acupuncture

Chinese needles are very fine needles are inserted in specific places of the body to treat certain diseases or preventable

The Chinese are the first to use needles for medical treatment and that was more than a thousand years
The Chinese believe that acupuncture works to restore balance in the body , and that the energy (called in Chinese " qi " ) going in multiple paths are different in the human body , for unknown reasons , some tracks get a timeout is affected by energy flow , and can be re- balance inserts needles in places certain of these routes . At the beginning of it there were about 365 different points in the body for stitches stitches , but the number of these points has greatly increased with the development of the treatment 

And as a result of treatment depends on the place of stitches on the needle and the angle at which instill it, and it needs to train the practitioner deep to get to a reasonable level in practice
It is possible to replace the needles sometimes direct pressure on specific points , and can sometimes use a high electric current to increase the therapeutic effect
And usually do not put any chemicals on the needles before Grzha but only to affect direct on specific points of the tracks

What are the cases involving the use of acupuncture

Successfully used acupuncture in treating pain , especially chronic ones, and possible often dispensed Almsknah that can cause a lot of side effects

Has conducted a lot of studies to prove the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of pain , and the results showed that those who were treated with acupuncture said their pain rates highly statistically significant
And now uses acupuncture to treat back and neck pain , and to treat headaches and migraines , and to ease the pain of childbirth or the so-called birth without pain , and to relieve the pain of arthritis and muscle spasm

The use acupuncture as well as to assist in the treatment of addiction and quit smoking and lose weight , it's also useful in the treatment of stress and anxiety and depression. And has an effective role in alleviating nausea associated with pregnancy , especially when there is warned of the use of antiviral drugs Gtnaan

Vary the duration of treatment required and the number of sessions from one person to another and usually require chronic problems to a larger number of sessions of up to three per week for a long time may be up to several months
As for the prevention of diseases and to improve the mental health of four meetings per year are sufficient to meet the purpose

Cases which can not be use acupuncture

There are some diseases can not be with the use of acupuncture and the like
Disease caused by a defect in endocrine , or infectious diseases and parasitic , or in cases of organ failure such as congestive heart failure and kidney failure and cirrhosis of the liver , and severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and mania, and finally diseases that require surgical intervention

Side effects of Chinese Acupuncture

There are no serious side effects for the treatment of acupuncture , especially with the use of modern needles that are used to only once and thus limited the infections resulting from inadequate sterilization after each use

Do you support the therapeutic effect of the needles on the conviction of Chinese psychological Are there things that are essential to get the therapeutic effect

The conviction is not considered a factor in the occurrence of treatment, the therapeutic effect has conducted animal studies that take advantage of the Chinese acupressure though it's not aware of what treatment
There are things that are recommended before and after therapy sessions , including
  Avoid eating fatty meals before or after the meeting therapeutic directly
 Avoid doing great muscular effort or sex or drinking alcohol for six hours after the
 Regulation time so Mtaalj can take a break after the hearing , especially from the business that require mental focus
  Continue taking the treatments and medications prescribed by a doctor
  Notebook action to respond to the therapeutic sessions and see the wizard on it to see the extent of the response to treatment and the degree of progress by

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