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Benefits of olive oil

Benefits of olive oil

That makes your arteries more flexible two tablespoons a day of it make you more resistant to strokes and heart attacks  

   Reduce levels of bad cholesterol , olive oil contains polyphenols Maadh , which helps in maintaining the levels of bad cholesterol from low-density lipoprotein LDL within the range of your health  

  Makes you less hungry olive oil makes you feel full , and tends to make you eat less and have less of a desire cravings for sugar  

   Reduces the risk of stroke in the elderly through another mechanism seniors who eat diets rich in olive oil , which contains oleic acid plasma , they have a smaller number of strokes in a study conducted in 2011  

  Reduce the risk of coronary artery disease attacks in women, in the cultures of the Mediterranean revere olives and olive oil , for good reason , I found the Italian study that the diet includes olive oil along with a lot of green leafy vegetables and fruits leads to lower rates of coronary heart disease when women enrolled in this study 

   Treatment or reduction of acne Although it seems counter-intuitive to use oil to fight pimples and blackheads , use olive oil and rubbing with salt helps to resist certain types of acne  

  Protection of red blood cells and thus protect your heart with the passage of time and the oxidation of cells leads to the appearance of the symptoms of aging and age. Polyphenols in olive oil for the effective protection , especially in the red blood cells from oxidation . A study conducted in 2009, this element as the DHPEA-EDA   

 - Treatment of sunburn olive oil dwell pain sunburn light through the skin to help Alaanfez its moisture . Use equal parts of olive oil and water and put them in a sealed container , do Bhzhm well, then sprayed on a light sunburn shook this mixture well during spraying to prevent him from separation  

   Helps in the fight against breast cancer, olive oil contains a chemical plant materials , and discovered a 2008 study that these materials are influential in killing cancer cells and suppressing genes   

    Strengthens memory some research has shown that olive oil can prevent and possibly even reflects the loss of memory that accompanies Alzheimer's disease 

     Prevent heart attacks in men according to a study conducted in 2008 found that men who ate at least at least two ounces of olive oil have lower chance of heart attack by 82 % compared with men who do not eat olive oil 

  Remains on the lips soft and supple moist lips Make your own by mixing between olive oil and beeswax Bviader equal . , And placing it in a small glass bowl and put it on your lips using your fingertips  
 - Refreshes your hair beautiful and ancient warriors alike have been using olive oil to beautify themselves . Olive oil strengthens hair and makes it stronger and more flexible  

  Helps in maintaining your health in old age has been proven that a diet medium and one of the healthiest diets in the world. Some of them believe they are correct . The olive oil is an integral part of the Mediterranean diet . Although a lot of fish , whole grains , and vegetables Avoake also play a big role in the success of the diet , scientists agree that it would not be useful almost without olive oil  

  Prevents dry hair using olive oil considered as a conditioner to the scalp it moisturizes dry scalp 

  Prevents diseases midlife because olive oil is very rich food calories , are avoided in many cases, out of fear that this is the cause of the weight gain. However , a study conducted in 2008 found that olive oil along with walnut oil does not cause an increase in weight ever it is a healthy way to gain value less fat  

   Provide an easy way to add the olive oil to a minimum of your diet raw olive oil (EVOO) non- repeater . We get it by pressing olives cold . All types of olive other readily available to consumers must be refined using heat and other harsh processes  

   Cleaning sensitive skin ancient Egyptians , Greeks and Romans did not have soap , thanks to olive oil . Kano Adlkon their skin with olive oil and then they Pkhth once again along with the dirt and dead skin . Today we have a large variety of types of soap are available , including those made from olive oil , yet still many people prefer to clean the skin using pure olive oil  

    Remove paint from your skin gently eases olive oil paint on your skin. When you remove the effects of the oil will be erased with all traces of the oil will be erased all traces of the paint with it . It will leave your skin soft , smooth and steady  

  Make cleaning session R_khasah such that are made in the health centers peeling skin and remove dead skin and prevents the skin from becoming dim . Mix in the palm of your hand the amount of Zain teaspoon olive with a teaspoon of salt or sugar . Put this  mixture on your skin and then gently  a  

     Moisturizes the skin , olive oil is the closest in terms of the chemical composition of the oil, natural skin oils than any other , use it on the body , face or Lye of the condemned  

 Prevent early aging of your skin 's antioxidant properties , which remain the same red blood cells your sound against oxidation . When you eat olive oil keeps the skin cells and oxidation when
used topically  

  Do not block the pores of the skin never does not cause pimples olive oil penetrates the skin, leaving it silky smooth without any greasy feeling . Cleopatra was undoubtedly contain many of the secrets of beauty in the sleeve. But most important of these secrets can become yours at a price of a small bottle of olive oil crude 

  Prevent sagging skin squalene in olive oil increases the elasticity of the skin and leave it harmonious , bright and garish 

  Moisturizes and smoothes roughened feet and dried foot massage your feet a mixture of equal parts of olive , honey , lemon juice , sugar , Soak your feet in warm water and then Dllekem and continued by moisturizing hands and feet and shaken well in water emulsion with olive

The use of olive oil, the secrets of the beauty of all skin types , what are the benefits of this natural oil for the skin and what are the masks that aids the skin and enters the olive oil in a prepared
  Benefits of olive oil for the skin
   Olive oil is distinguished from skin moisturizers that reaches to the depths of the skin , and this is a always a shield to keep the skin moisture and make it soft and supple
  Pure virgin olive oil contains all the elements that benefit the skin
  The skin may not quickly absorb the olive oil , but the benefit lasts for a longer time
 Masks of olive oil
 For the treatment of skin imperfections General
 Half a teaspoon of olive oil
 Quarter teaspoon lemon juice

  Mix the two well- painted face and the mixture then rinse with lukewarm water after 15 minutes
  Mask for skin supple
 Whisk egg yolk with a teaspoon of olive oil
 And then placed on the face
 And leaves 20 minutes
 Then wash with water
 Mask for oily skin treatment and skin impurities
 Mix 4 tablespoons of powdered clay
 And two tablespoons of olive oil
   Apply a thick layer of this mixture on the face and leave it 10 minutes and then rinse with water
 Nourishing Mask
 Mash ripe avocado
 Add the forth and two tablespoons of olive oil
 Put a layer Amsjém good medium fish on the face and neck and Atercém ten minutes and then wash with water
 Combination Skin
 Chop a handful of fresh mint leaves
And forth Add the egg yolk
 And a tablespoon of cream
 And a teaspoon of olive oil
 Mix the batter well ..
 And then placed on the face quarter of an hour

 Then wash with water
  Mask Moisturizer
  Melt a tablespoon of honey
 In half a cup of hot milk
 Add the to and 16:00 . K . Of flour
 And a tablespoon of olive oil
 Akhltém well
 And then placed on the face and neck quarter of an hour
 Then wash with water
 Masque of the skin lacks freshness
  Squeeze carrot
 Mix with juice and a tablespoon of honey
 And another tablespoon of olive oil
 Apply to face and leave 20 minutes
 Then wash with water
   Milk cleanser for oily skin
  Mix half a cup of olive oil
 And an equal amount of Vaseline
Then add a half cup of cucumber juice, mix well
   Painted on the face

The definition of olive oil :

Olive oil is the oil output of the era or pressure olives , a tree grows in the Mediterranean basin ; olive oil is used in cooking , pharmacy and medicine at the ignition Moaqad In oily soap. Olive oil used heavily for being a healthy food rich in fat and vitamins useful .
Benefits of olive oil :

Olive tree is a source of good food and resistance to plant diseases , juice and olive leaf or its conclusion or Mshogaha considered an antibiotic and an anti -virus as strong as it is tonic for the immune system , which protects the body from disease and infection and reduce the symptoms of cold viruses , smallpox and herpes . Securities by Article ( polyunsaturated fatty acid ), a strong anti -bacterial viruses , parasites and bacteria, yeast and protozoa as well as prevent the growth of the oil is full of the elements iron tonic for the body .

Olive oil is prepared from olive fruits era cold ( so-called oil virginal ) or solvent , handles sensitive recurrent gastrointestinal problems and mild laxative , and addresses the swelling of the lymph nodes , weakness and swelling of the joints and the pain and lack of appetite and sinuses swollen and respiratory problems , especially asthma, skin 

ulcers and scratching and anxiety the problems of infection and muscle weakness , and was used by the Greeks for cleaning wounds and healing , which is an anti -bacterial , fungi , parasites and viruses, and are useful for hemorrhoids and generating light for Paul , for this they consume for the treatment of gout and reducing sugar in the body , blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and this is useful in the treatment of viral diseases and lupus , hepatitis and AIDS and prostate problems , psoriasis and bladder infection and is preparing a summary for this purpose .

And olive oil is distinguished from other animal fats and vegetable that is easy to digest , because you need the rest of the oils and fats to several processes digestive before the body can absorb , because the fat contained more like a fat found in mother's milk , that is easily absorbed , and this Mijolh food useful for children , it contains a large amount of vitamin D necessary to protect children from the disease rickets , it installs the calcium in the bones and strengthens , as olive oil contains important material contribute to the strengthening of the nerves , and contains anti -oxidant which are of great benefits , as it contributes to the destroy harmful molecules accumulated in the body, which helps the elderly to maintain their health.
Food ingredients  

Each tablespoon of olive oil ( 13.5 g )
    Calories: 119
    Fat: 13:50
    Saturated Fat: 1.86
    Carbohydrates : 0
    Fiber: 0
    Sugar : 0
    Proteins : 0
    Cholesterol: 0

Some of the uses of olive oil that countless  

Olive oil and the digestive system : Eating olive oil constantly in diets, helps stimulate liver function and increase the secretion of bile from the gallbladder , as well as to soothe the mucous membrane lining of the intestines , and lead to the fragmentation of kidney stones and gall bladder and ureter. Scientific research suggests that polyunsaturated oils ( olive oil , sunflower oil and fish ) inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for many cases of gastric ulcers . The 

intake mixture of hanging of olive oil with the lemon juice morning on an empty stomach leads to the disposal of certain types of worms that live in the digestive tract . I'm nuts about it says : " All articles thereof Mellina for the skin and slow the graying and water salty olive prevents the eruption of fire burning , and tightens the gums and paper benefit of the ant and reddish sores and dirty and urticaria and prevents the race ."

Use an old olive oil in the treatment of skin diseases such as scabies ; There are poems Arab remember using olive oil with a sulfur resistant Try camels in the Arabian Peninsula . According to scientific research to paint with olive oil may protect against the incidence of skin cancer, melanoma and that the use of mixture of olive oil with a little beeswax after mixing well in a water bath on the backburner and use after it cools to paint skin blemishes and moles and thin as well as hemorrhoids , has found that the use of equal amounts
olive oil and glycerin with a few drops of lemon juice and paint the skin with a massage leads to the smoothness of the skin and remove roughness and cracks the hands and feet . And the use of olive oil to massage the scalp leads to the removal of the crust and strengthen the hair and abundance becomes soft smooth silky brilliant research results also showed that the development of olive oil on the head for several hours kills lice found it. As for superficial burns , the simple use of a mix egg whites and one with two tablespoons of olive oil topically paint without massage leads to healing of these injuries , God willing . The effect of olive oil on blood pressure : Scientific studies have shown that olive oil is very beneficial effect for patients with heart disease and high blood pressure as the people who eat olive oil on a regular basis within the daily diets have their blood pressure level naturally . Olive oil and cancer

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