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Important facts about the disease, high blood pressure

Important facts about the disease, high blood pressure

What is high blood pressure

High blood pressure is called the silent killer disease , it may be high blood pressure when a person does not feel it is so often

Blood pressure is measured by determining the amount of blood pumped by the heart and the amount of blood flow in the arteries

Blood pressure varies throughout the day in the body naturally. Has also varies imperceptibly with each heartbeat
 Rises in blood pressure while doing any activity and decrease in sleep state body

Whenever the heart to pump blood largest amount whenever narrowed arteries and higher blood pressure in the body

  The level of blood pressure reading consists of two numbers

 The figure includes the upper level of contraction

Upper figure is the amount of pressure generated by the heart during pumping blood out of the heart through the arteries

  The figure includes the lower level of extroversion

The bottom number is the amount of pressure (hypertension) in the arteries in the heart quiescent state (ie, during the silence of the heart between each pulse )
   The normal blood pressure measurement : ( 120/80 )

If the blood pressure in the sleep state body ( 140/90 ) or more , that person may be infected with high blood pressure

There are many people do not see the seriousness of high blood pressure , where they do not feel any symptoms or symptoms may feel simple

But you should know that blood pressure irregular can raise the risk of infection rate of stroke , heart crises

Ohboth or kidney problems

Fortunately, the blood pressure can be measured by a simple test - if there is a rise in blood pressure should consult a doctor and follow the situation and work to stay at a normal level .


  Often do not show any symptoms or signs warning of high pressure

  There are people who believe that the headaches , nose bleeds or nausea are beginning signs of high blood pressure , in fact, this may occur

Symptoms in some people in the onset of the disease with pain in the back of the head , but it does not happen , headache, nausea or bleeding nose , but in the case of the arrival of the blood pressure to a high level - in this case, the patient's life in danger


It is not always easy to identify the causes of high blood pressure in some people , and if it was caused by unknown , is called essential hypertension or elementary

But if the cause is known been called secondary high that there is any reason for the occurrence of such Height

 Some types of drugs , including birth control pills , drugs that are used in the treatment of colds , decongestants , analgesic

Pain and some other drugs

 Kidney disease

 Adrenaline gland diseases

 Thyroid disease

  Vascular defect

 Symptoms of pre-eclampsia (which occur in the last three months of pregnancy )

  Taking drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine

  Risk Factors

  There are 4 factors that may cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure , and difficult to control

  Age increases the chances of developing high blood pressure whenever age

  Strain spreads high blood pressure between races brown color more than white color

 Gender rising incidence of male high blood pressure in young adulthood and middle age more than his appearance in females .

After the age of 55 and even 64 Vtaatsawy chances of injury both males and females. After the age of 65 increases the proportion of affected females more than males.

 A family history of the disease is high blood pressure genetic diseases .

 The risk factors that can be avoided is

 Obesity : the greater the weight of the body, whenever he was in need of more blood and oxygen supplied to adequate nutrition to the tissues .

 Inactivity : lack of daily activity for the body increases the chance of injury to high blood pressure because it increases the chances of increased body weight .

Lack of activity also helps to increase the heartbeat because the muscles of the heart need to work harder in the constriction and extroversion and therefore increases the load on the arteries .

 Smoking : The chemical compositions of tobacco to destroy the wall of the arteries , and cause the formation of the blocks on the wall ( which is the fatty lumps

Contain cholesterol ) . Nicotine also works on the constriction of blood vessels and thus forcing the heart to work harder .

 Sensitivity of sodium : There are people with a higher sensitivity of sodium , and it is therefore leads to fluid retention in the body

And raise blood pressure .

 Low potassium : Potassium minerals that work to adjust the level of sodium in the cells . So raise the low rate

Potassium ratio and the presence of sodium in the body and therefore high pressure .

- Increased drinking alcohol : the cause of high blood pressure as a result of alcohol is not definitively known . But with the passage of drinking alcohol

Time, causing serious damage to the heart muscles
 Tensile nervous : nervous tension may lead to excess temporary rise in blood pressure , but this rise may increase with the passage of time .

Also as a result of trying to relieve nervous tension by eating more food , the constant smoking or drinking alcohol helps

The survival of high blood pressure .

 Chronic diseases: such as high cholesterol , diabetes , an inability to breathe or heart failure increases the risk of injury


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