? Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem

Forget joint pain forever (causes and treatment)

   Forget joint pain forever

 (( causes and treatment )) 

Arthritis is one of the most common medical problems in the United States , which affects one out of every seven people , and there are more than 100 types of arthritis and situations that are different causes and their symptoms and methods of treatment

Include warning signs of arthritis on the following

         Swelling of the joint or more
         Morning stiffness constant
          One recurring pain in the joints
          Inability to move the joint normally
         Redness and warmth in a clear and detailed
          Pain accompanied by detailed cases of unjustified high temperature or low weight or weakness
 When the appearance of any of these signs recently and lasting for more than two weeks , should be medically evaluated immediately

It is important to distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from the aches and pains Mini Karomatesm to remedy the situation correctly

 It is produced from the scourge of arthritis joints or torn , as is the case with osteoarthritis , or hurt or joint inflammation or infection, injury or other cause is unknown, but the arthritis is used to refer to most of the ills of the articular


Can be seen with the time that practice is probably the most effective to deal with the symptoms of arthritis, exercise should be done regularly to feel better , so you should consult a doctor immediately for a regular exercise program is compatible with your need special

In general, you want to maintain a good physical condition a day , and that means maintaining the flexibility and body strength and endurance , and this is what will protect joints from damage and keeps the extra Astoaúha and relieves stiffness and pain

There are different types of exercises to complete several goals , Vzayadh flexible joint, working exercises scope of movement tensile Latif to move the joint from one side to the other , however, in cases of osteoarthritis severe may cause these exercises pain in the joint , therefore , do not continue to exercise beyond the limits of pain without a doctor's advice or physicist

The move muscle groups and wide for 15 to 20 minutes is the best way to exercise aerobically in order to strengthen muscles and increase their endurance , and constitute a sports hiking, bike riding , swimming and dancing are good examples of aerobic exercises that occur lightly to moderately on the joints

In case you are suffering from an excessive increase in weight , increasing the difficulty of movement , as it is practiced gravity pressure on the back and hips and knees and feet , one of the most prominent areas that become inflamed osteoarthritis , and the fact that there is clear evidence that being overweight cause inflammation skeleton a landmark , but that obesity leads to a worsening of symptoms significantly

The most prominent forms or types of arthritis

  Osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis

This is known as the disease of the general public to " roughness detailed " , and more vulnerable to disease, arthritis is the hip , followed by the knee joint

Is associated with disruption of normal joints ,

This may be due to an imbalance of enzymes , and this situation is common in people above the age of fifty ,

 The rare among young people unless subjected to detailed injury harmless

Basic symptoms

Pain in the joint after use
Discomfort in the joint before or during the change of weather change
Swelling and lack of flexibility in the joint
Blocks of bone at the joints of the fingers
Common pain with redness and warmth in the joint sometimes
Over the seriousness of the situation :
Is not usually serious , but they do not go away with that pain may appear and disappear , and the consequences are detailed in crashes in rare cases , would Kalork certain joints and knee deteriorate to the point where the need for surgery commutative , the age factor and leads a key role in this

   Rheumatoid arthritis

  Is one of the most common types of inflammatory arthritis common , and evolve this case between the ages of twenty and fifty , and is likely to result from the immune system to attack the lining fabric detailed

Core symptoms
Pain and swelling in the small joints of the hands and feet
Soreness or stiffness in the year , especially in the morning and after rest periods
Swelling and pain in the joints and hotter during the first shift and Dhirtha
Over the seriousness of the situation
Are the most common types of arthritis in multiples , often causing distortion in this case the joints , also suffers from some sweats and a rise in temperature Asahbhma loss of muscle strength associated with the affected joints , and this is often the case with chronic they may appear and disappear

Arthritis Arthritis contagious or pus or arthritis caused by infection

 Infection occurs as a result of infection and infectious agents include bacteria and fungi and viruses , and that will result from complications of the disease sexually anecdotal , as they may arise at any was

In some cases the joint position is the only infected the body, although it is in other cases, infection occurs as part of a detailed comprehensive infection affecting several parts of the body , as happens in Lyme disease

  Symptoms are not severe and do not last long, and in adults up most of the bacterial infection to the joints coming from the blood
Pain and stiffness in the joints is usually one knee or shoulder or hip or ankle or facility or finger or wrist
Be warm and the surrounding tissue is red and swollen
Chills and fever and weakness or fatigue
Can be combined with a rash
Over the seriousness of the situation
Your doctor may siphoning off some of the liquid from the detailed analysis of the laboratory , and it may be some tests in search of infection with blood , and usually check Aldadat vital eliminate bacteria , and are rarely used antivirals because most viruses are difficult to eliminate drugs and because the viral infections that afflict arthritis often go away on its own

In most cases , result in the diagnosis and treatment of infection detailed interpreters to heal fast and fully

Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to ensure you back to the movement and strength of the joint

This situation , if not addressed may be damaged bones and joints and surroundings of tissue damage in full , and in severe cases of damage to the joints may need surgery to rebuild the joint

Is made up of crystals in the joint Aleuric acid , and most of the injured are men above the age of forty

Core symptoms
Sharp pain suddenly hits a detailed one often located at the base of the big toe
Swelling and redness
Over the seriousness of the situation
Cause severe bout can be treated effectively , after the end of the Nuba usually detailed back to its natural state , is that the attacks may be repeated and may require preventive treatment to reduce the acid levels in the blood Alawrak

Include other types of arthritis on
   Psoriatic arthritis , that occurs in patients involved by psoriasis , especially in the joints of the finger joints of the hands and feet

  Reiter's syndrome transmitted through sexual contact and is characterized by pain in the joints and discharge from the penis and painful inflammation in the eye and skin rash

 Alksti spondylitis , which affects the joints of the spine and in advanced cases causing severe stiffness in the back bone

Medicine that removes discomfort of arthritis

 The following are the main types of drugs and medicines prescribed and non- prescribed for use in cases of osteoarthritis

    Aspirin : the amount of the dose role in treatment , inappropriate, the doctor needs to determine the appropriate amount of the patient, and can ease the pain to take two tablets every four hours , the patient may feel the need to continue taking this dose for a week or two weeks in cases of inflammation

    Acetaminophen : The drug acetaminophen relieves pain of others described what he does as much as aspirin , which is less likely to influence on the stomach , which does not help in cases of inflammation, but since the joints are rarely inflamed in cases of osteoarthritis , a convenient option often

  Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory steroid containing : effectiveness equivalent to the effectiveness of aspirin may be less side effects is it's more expensive , and the daily dosage of aspirin less

    Corticosteroids are more like a hormone produced by the adrenal gland , is working to reduce inflammation , and there are twenty kinds of corticosteroids are the most commonly prednisone , and the fact that doctors do not prescribe corticosteroids for cases of osteitis hinge, but they may be baptized incidental to injection drug containing cortisone in Detailed infected with sharp, including the frequent use for this property would accelerate the disease progresses the joint may not exceed the number of injections two or three per year


A lot of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines , causing Karoha and even bleeding with long-term use

Consult a physician that you are using the anti -inflammatory steroid -containing or aspirin regularly for more than two weeks for the treatment of arthralgia , and there is a new class of drugs called cox-2 inhibitors would be less damaging to the stomach

 And other methods to relieve pain

 Consult your doctor about ways to Ooualemhenne physical therapy following

   Trechah able to heat the surrounding muscles Bamufsal painful , and can be used across the shallow warm water bath or paraffin or electric mattress bags or hot or heat lamp , but care must be taken to avoid burns . To force the heat deeper , the doctor can use the physicist that diathermy ultrasound or short wave

    Cold working anesthetic , it also eases muscle spasms . And served cold bags when feeling pain in the muscles after a stay in the same position in order to avoid pain

    Splints assigned weak and painful joints and protected during the work , and provide them with the status of a sound at night , which helps to restful sleep , but that would be continuous splinting alleviates joint flexibility

   Relaxation techniques including hypnosis and imagination and deep breathing and muscle relaxation and other techniques that can ease the pain

    Other techniques Kaltmarin light effect and Weight Loss and means Calendar ( Killanat boot ) and auxiliary tools in the BIOS ( Kalasa bars and walking) in addition to strengthening muscles and relieve pressure on the joints, thus relieving pain

Protection of the detailed

Allows " body techniques " sound for a person to move with a minimum of stress. The doctor may suggest physical or occupational adoption of techniques and equipment to protect the joints and relieve the pressure and kept the pressure and conserve energy

And modifications that can be done
     Avoid constipation movements that strain the joints of the fingers . For example , instead of hand-held bags that you can choose bag with shoulder strap . And use warm water to open the lid of the jar and press Bkivk to open or use a private key , or do not use your joints Fl violently

    Distributed the weight of the thing that carries over several joints . Use both hands , for example, to raise as much as heavy , and try to use a walking stick

        Take a break periodically to relax tight muscles

     Baptize during the day to use the strongest muscles and joints focused on the petition. Do not pay a glass door with your hands , but Lie to open it . To pick up something from the ground , lean on your knees and Qrvs while keeping back straight

     There are special tools to facilitate the process of constipation things , available for use Tzerar shirts and towels . Contact pharmacist or health worker to provide you with information about how to get it

Do not be fooled treatments did not prove effective

 According to statistics, one out of every ten people experimenting treatment did not prove its effectiveness reported suffering symptoms of harmful side effects . The following are some of these allegations popular misconceptions

     Cod liver oil " greased " joints Mutaisph , it may seem so logical : but that the body deals with cod liver oil , like any other type of fat , which does not come of special benefit to the joints , and even such a type of oil , if it is consumed in quantities a big lead to the poisoning of vitamin A and D

   Some foods cause " allergic inflammation of the joints " : there is no evidence that allergies caused by food causes inflammation in the joints , as it is not possible to relieve arthritis across avoid eating tomatoes or other foods

- Fish oil relieves inflammation : refers to research conducted rheumatoid arthritis that the fatty acid Omega _3 in fish oils may reduce inflammation in a simple and temporary . This discovery is true , but we do not recommend the use of extensions fish oils , as the patient's needs for about 15 capsules a day , doctors do not know whether this amount is safe. The doses at least they are not useful

The treatment of arthritis Baltmarenat

Exercises to treat arthritis

 Can exercise sports that are slowing the Tfaqk inflammatory conditions hinge, is that there is not there a program one can fit for all, Valtmarenat must be designed according to need everyone in order to prevent injury upset or aggravate the case of arthritis has , ask your physiotherapist to provide you with specific exercises suit your status check you the greatest benefit

The exercises inflammation Alinvasl patients are divided into three categories

Category I: flexibility exercises

They exercise daily to the field of movement is determined to improve the property and maintain flexibility

And work flexibility exercises to tighten and elongation muscle groups may help your body more control and flexibility

Flexibility exercises useful as well in the warm-up and cooling after the training , which helps to tighten the muscles that have been shrinking during other forms of training or since the last training you've done

And work flexibility exercises to improve the ability of your muscles to recover after exercise

If I did it quietly flexibility exercises help prevent cramping

Some people find it difficult to keep Bmronthm with age

And maintain flexibility may help you maintain your strength and your ability to perform daily tasks without injuries

Yoga is a form of aerobic exercise flexibility

  Sit or Stand upright and right arm behind your lower back while making level in the highest possible level and behind the back .
  Hold with a towel in your left hand untwisted
  Raise your arm left top of your head
  Then fold the left elbow so that the left arm comes across your back
  Catch up with your right hand towel
  Flexible hands together
  Tension retained for 10 seconds and then relax
  Invert my arms and repeat what I did

For the lower back
 Rest on the surface of your back
 Bend your knees and your feet slid the direction of your buttocks
 Catch the thighs and pull your knees toward your chest to make a little bit of the pelvis on the ground
  Retained tensile developed for 30 seconds
 Straighten your legs slowly and reciprocally

Leg muscles
 Stand upright , on the wall after a little more than arm's length
 Extend your right leg in front of the retaining Bassaqk left unfolded
 Ml in the face of the wall and Saaadak competencies on the integrity of the wall
 Keep heeled left foot down and soles of the feet flat on the surface of the earth and fingers tight forward .
 Retained tensile developed for 10 seconds and then relax
 Instead of legs and repeat the movement

The second category

 Strength training and also called resistance exercises in order to protect and strengthen the affected joint

The strength exercises are to maintain the intensity of the body, and increase muscle mass , and improve physical strength , and strength training exercises include running muscle groups in the face of some degree of resistance

Strength training may be dynamic , lively like any weightlifting, in which muscles are already changing lengths or Atqsria and the muscles contract without shorten , as it pulls Shada using a mild parts of the body as a resistance movement to another part

As the reconstruction of people , begins in the amount of muscle contraction , and renewed building muscle lifting weights (even Avsy possible capacity you, which is the maximum weight that you can lift it 8 times a day at one time ) for 20 to 30 minutes three to four times a week

And strength exercises useful for people of all ages, even the elderly

Start lifting heavy Canned food then increase gradually the weight of half a pound ( 225 grams ) until a pound ( 450 grams ) each time

May also be appropriate to add ankle weights for arms and allow the addition of more weight training and even give your muscles time to recover

Leave daily to two days of rest between each training session with weights and other

     Catch heavily Manual amount of one pound ( 450 grams) , or one of tins in each hand
 Stand upright and your back and knees slightly bent and feet slightly Mnfaragtan
 Catch Balthaglin at the thighs and your hands palms up
 And then start to raise two races slowly up toward your chest
 Akhvdahma again until the level of the thighs
 Repeat this movement in a disciplined slow
 When you can repeat this exercise 12 times increase the weight of gravity by one pound and Mark always increase by the same amount each time

The third category of light aerobic exercises

 This type of sports Alnclt function improves the circulatory system and the heart , muscles and restores her fitness and helps to maintain weight , and activates the functions of the body in general, and to enjoy good health , and it also preserves the natural functions of the muscles

And working on the adaptation of aerobic exercises and adapt your heart and lungs by increasing the heart rate and breathing , so goes more oxygen to the muscles

Further improvements on the fitness of the circulatory system and the heart Altogether

Aerobic exercises also benefit your bones and muscles , and aerobic activities between jogging , walking light , cycling , dancing , swimming , rowing , stair climbing and previously mentioned examples of one of the best forms of exercise

And whenever Tarbt to the extent that it increases heart rate with the level of comfort has , achieved the maximum benefit

Do some aerobic exercises for at least 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day , with training seriously enough in order to reach the target speed of the heartbeat

It should be mentioned that the term " aerobic " means " antenna " which describes any form of moderate-intensity activity for 12 minutes at least and uses oxygen in the air to provide the muscle power

The walk light builds muscle and burns fat and improves your overall fitness league

 Note : Unless you are suffering from an acute inflammation of the joints , do the performance of exercise a day , after taking a hot shower or bath , and sleeping when the greatest impact in improving your condition

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