? Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem

Quick solution to stop tooth pain

((Quick solution to stop tooth pain))

20 golden oldest advice you to stop and relieve pain in the teeth 

Quick solution to stop tooth pain

Treatment by clicking on the area of ​​pain using a piece of ice massage out the pain area

 Clove of garlic with a pinch of coarse salt, the patient is placed on the tooth to remove the pain. You can eat one clove of garlic every morning as an alternative 

 Vanilla extract two points placed him on the age of the immediate relief of pain 

Ficus put a little on the side of the cheek where the age of the patient. Put a handkerchief and paper over the cheek and lie down in the bed. Ficus suck vapors through the skin and relieve pain 

A piece of potato placed on Age festering for 15 minutes 

Bag of hot tea is placed on the injured Age immediately relieves pain 

Grain own cough containing anesthetic simple Mogul Put in your mouth and let it melt 

Wheat grass extract lotion is gorgeous mouth to remove the pain in the teeth and get rid of cavities. He pulls toxins from the gums and stops the growth of bacteria 

Lemon juice contains substances relieve dental pain. Heat the lemon juice, dip a cotton swab in solution Almrkazhodaha cavity above the age for the relief of pain 

Paste the bark of the mulberry tree and vinegar placed on the place of pain to remove and strengthen gums 

Clove oil, a mild narcotic placed on the cavity Age Almtsus quick to get rid of the pain. Oregano oil also has the same effect 
Quick solution to stop tooth pain
Bgsol mouth gargle antiseptic contains a substance Allistren 

Chewing guava tree leaves help get rid of pain 

A little pepper and a quarter teaspoon of salt to prevent tooth decay, bad breath, bleeding gums, pain teeth and gums 

Few of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be placed on the teeth Almtsush to alleviate dental pain 

Put a cube of ice on the cheek or patient age for 15 to 20 minutes 3 times a day at least

If the cause of the pain-piece food stuck between the teeth gargle strongly this may cause to remove food particles suspended 

Brush your teeth medical thread gently to remove small portions of food. Deal gently with severe gum inflammation, where it is fast 

Grumble using a cup of water dissolved by the teaspoon of salt after every meal 

Chewing raw onion for 3 minutes is sufficient to kill germs in the mouth and protect certain, disorders of the teeth 

Lemon prevents tooth decay, osteoporosis teeth, tooth pain and bleeding gums

Healthy food for pregnant and most important food and tips

(( Healthy food for pregnant women ))

We will review this issue in the most important points about the 

5 most important foods for pregnant and sources obtained 

Food useful for a pregnant woman and the fetus 

Some of the tips that you need a pregnant woman 

Healthy food for pregnant women


Usually begin vomiting case at this stage the first trimester of pregnancy if you suffer from vomiting Follow the following recommendations

  Divide your meals three to six snacks on your stomach during the day

  Eat easy to digest foods pasta , potatoes , toast , muffins , fruit ... and foods rich in protein and low in fat , such as meat lean , chicken, fish , milk and low-fat dairy products

 You must eat food rich in carbohydrates before getting out of bed at about 15-20 minutes , for example : cakes , biscuits , toast or breakfast cereals

  Eat fluids between meals , not with them

  Stay away from fatty foods , fried , pastry and spices

  After consulting your doctor , you may advise you to take pills " folic acid " Shahrak during the first or even before pregnancy where it is very important for normal fetal growth

There are plenty of natural sources of folic acid , which is recommended intakes which

  Green leafy vegetables ( spinach , parsley , watercress, ... )

  Whole wheat bread

  All kinds of legumes ( lentils , beans , chickpeas , beans)

 Food prohibited during pregnancy : raw meat or half -cooked because they contain bacteria that could harm the health of the fetus , such as the liver , Altahalat , bone , smoked meat and raw

  The second month : Preparing the food for you Your

Usually have been revealed at this stage of pregnancy , so begins his preparations and psychological preparations as required by this stage

On the stand in this month's focus on the quality of the food you eat more of the former in order to supply the body with all the nutrients needed by the

Continue the case of vomiting at this stage when some pregnant women , so you should focus on the following issues

  Snacking on the stomach during the day , so as not to keep the stomach empty for a long time
  Stay away from fried foods or high-fat
   Eat foods rich in carbohydrates , such as sweet or salty biscuits , cakes , toast , pasta , potatoes ...
   Drink liquids between meals , not with meals
  Snack before going to sleep , for example, a cup of low-fat milk with breakfast cereals or a piece of toast with a brick or low-fat cheese
  Lot of acts of eating foods rich in folic acid because it is very important for the normal growth of the fetus , which is present in green leafy vegetables ( spinach ) , legumes ( beans and lentils ) and bake full gr
 Being intrusive in your diet 3-4 cups of milk or its equivalent from cheese and milk because of the great importance of calcium during pregnancy
  That the rate of increase calories during pregnancy does not exceed 300 calories , and this after the third month , so be careful on the quality of your food to be healthy and nutritious without a significant increase in the amount of food intake
  INSERT these foods in your diet during pregnancy
5 most important foods for pregnant and sources obtained

The amount needed for the holder of the daily calcium 1000 mg
  Natural sources to get it
Dairy - darker leafy vegetables - soy milk fortified with calcium - grains and calcium- fortified juices

Folate ( folic acid - folic acid )
Daily amount required for the holder of 600 micrograms
 Food sources for folic acid
Dried legumes - peas - lentils - orange juice - orange - darker leafy vegetables - soy nuts - avocado - broccoli - Asparagus

The amount needed daily for the pregnant body of 27 milligrams of iron
Sources of iron
Oats - wheat germ - Almajafh legumes - dried peach juice - fish and seafood - grain - the liver - beef
إضافة تسمية توضيحية

The amount needed per day to 70 grams
Sources obtained
Meat - poultry ( chicken - eggs ) - Dairy - nuts - Legumes - Cereals

Vitamin C Vitamin C
The amount needed daily 85 mg
Sources : fruits and Aledaúr acid - pepper - tomato - strawberry - broccoli - darker leafy vegetables

Food useful for pregnant women
Number of pregnant receive tips , especially in the first months of pregnancy
One of the most tips are useful ingested food
Among the most important of these foods :
This is a fatty acid essential for the development of the brain and central nervous system of the fetus and is available with this acid in thickness Alslon and Anchovy and flax seeds and food products enhanced by

Homrkp and vitamin B plays an important role in the development of the fetal brain and may help avoid the eyes of the spine and the best sources of red meat except beef liver , which should stand
Also available in chicken livers in eggs and soybeans in wheat

Help to spare the pregnant constipation and hemorrhoids and prove the amount of sugar in the blood
Available fiber in bread , pasta, fruits and vegetables

It is essential to bone health deficiency leads to a woman with high blood pressure and calcium available in low-fat milk and cheese cruel and milk and food products enhanced with calcium .

These are some of the tips that you need a pregnant woman
Folic acid , which is very important for pregnant and must be addressed before the start of months of pregnancy and continue to eat after getting pregnant for three months where reduces the likelihood of having a baby with defects of the spine
There folic acid in spinach and fresh orange juice , beans, lentils and it is taken in the form of pills
  Calcium increases the carrier 's need for calcium by a large margin Jaddaoaad milk and dairy products, the best food is the food Vahalib integrated easy to digest and contains all the nutrients needed for a pregnant woman and the calcium found in cheese , eggs, milk , sardines, watercress , spinach and nuts
3 : Iron pregnant need for a large amount of iron to suit the amount of blood is red meat are the best sources of iron as well as chicken , tuna, apricots , eggs, spinach and grain
Getting pregnant and need to iron more than Moadalokhry result of their need to Hmuglpin ( hemoglobin ) that carries oxygen to the fetus
  Vitamins are essential for the growth of the fetus , especially ((abcdk it is important for vital processes and tissue regeneration
  Proteins found in red meat , fish , chicken, cheese and hard-boiled eggs , nuts and grains
 Carbohydrates should not abound , including pregnant because they cause obesity such as bread , pasta, rice and potatoes
 Water must address the pregnant woman more than 8 cups of water to prevent dehydration in the body and prevent urinary infections and vaginal
And a pregnant woman to avoid eating eggs and milk Alnay uncooked might contain harmful bacteria and it should loosen cake and eat biscuits and starches and reduce the intake of coffee, tea, and stay away from smoking and not taking any medication without consulting your doctor
Another topic
Eat only vegetarian food during pregnancy may lead to birth defects in children born
A recent study has shown that mothers who eat only vegetarian food during pregnancy was at risk by more than five Mratlon give birth to children living with HIV hypospadia, which is a congenital malformation of the male reproductive member .

The research team suggests that the hormone -like compounds found in soy may have a relationship to the subject.

Surprisingly, the researchers found that mothers who were taking iron pills and mothers who develop the flu in the first three months was more likely to give birth to children living with HIV hypospadia too.

The researchers suggest further studies to validate this relationship . However, there are many biological evidence suggests that vegetarians are more susceptible to the effect of hormone-like substances (phytoestrogen) , which is likely the health of the relationship in this study , the researchers say .

The hypospadia disease is a congenital malformation that affects the male genitalia , and in this case show the slot at the top of the penis is in its natural place . This is a disease of the disease congenital deformity where it is deployed every 300 children born have a child with this congenital deformity . Treating this condition requires surgical intervention , and to keep the situation as it is untreated will lead to problems in urinating , as well as in the sexual contact.
Another topic
Important food for pregnant women
Pregnant women should increase the amount of their diet usual by one-sixth , and must be the increase balanced and that all the groups represented by taking into account the increase in the second half of pregnancy , in particular, are advised to avoid eating too much of foods too salty and stored like Almh , pickles , sardines , salted , and Alvesik .

Here's the important points healthy eating for pregnant women :

First, attention must be paid to food protein , which is found in meat , birds , fish , milk , eggs , cheese , taking into account the reduced fat content by as much as possible .

Secondly, attention eating vegetables and fresh fruit , such as power, lettuce , oranges , apples and pears .

Third, interest in addressing materials that contain a high content of iron , because it is known that a pregnant woman more susceptible than others to anemia , so as to increase the proportion of plasma blood more than the proportion of red blood cells , and these materials are found in apples , eggplant , spinach and treacle .

Fourth, reduce as much as possible of fatty substances , it is desirable to resort to pregnant cooking oil , corn , and to refrain from margarine and butter.

As well as reducing sugars and carbonated water , because the saturated fatty substances give too many calories causing weight gain and fat accumulation carrier has , making it difficult to lose weight after giving birth



 Acupressure Chinese

What is acupuncture

Chinese needles are very fine needles are inserted in specific places of the body to treat certain diseases or preventable

The Chinese are the first to use needles for medical treatment and that was more than a thousand years
The Chinese believe that acupuncture works to restore balance in the body , and that the energy (called in Chinese " qi " ) going in multiple paths are different in the human body , for unknown reasons , some tracks get a timeout is affected by energy flow , and can be re- balance inserts needles in places certain of these routes . At the beginning of it there were about 365 different points in the body for stitches stitches , but the number of these points has greatly increased with the development of the treatment 

And as a result of treatment depends on the place of stitches on the needle and the angle at which instill it, and it needs to train the practitioner deep to get to a reasonable level in practice
It is possible to replace the needles sometimes direct pressure on specific points , and can sometimes use a high electric current to increase the therapeutic effect
And usually do not put any chemicals on the needles before Grzha but only to affect direct on specific points of the tracks

What are the cases involving the use of acupuncture

Successfully used acupuncture in treating pain , especially chronic ones, and possible often dispensed Almsknah that can cause a lot of side effects

Has conducted a lot of studies to prove the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of pain , and the results showed that those who were treated with acupuncture said their pain rates highly statistically significant
And now uses acupuncture to treat back and neck pain , and to treat headaches and migraines , and to ease the pain of childbirth or the so-called birth without pain , and to relieve the pain of arthritis and muscle spasm

The use acupuncture as well as to assist in the treatment of addiction and quit smoking and lose weight , it's also useful in the treatment of stress and anxiety and depression. And has an effective role in alleviating nausea associated with pregnancy , especially when there is warned of the use of antiviral drugs Gtnaan

Vary the duration of treatment required and the number of sessions from one person to another and usually require chronic problems to a larger number of sessions of up to three per week for a long time may be up to several months
As for the prevention of diseases and to improve the mental health of four meetings per year are sufficient to meet the purpose

Cases which can not be use acupuncture

There are some diseases can not be with the use of acupuncture and the like
Disease caused by a defect in endocrine , or infectious diseases and parasitic , or in cases of organ failure such as congestive heart failure and kidney failure and cirrhosis of the liver , and severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and mania, and finally diseases that require surgical intervention

Side effects of Chinese Acupuncture

There are no serious side effects for the treatment of acupuncture , especially with the use of modern needles that are used to only once and thus limited the infections resulting from inadequate sterilization after each use

Do you support the therapeutic effect of the needles on the conviction of Chinese psychological Are there things that are essential to get the therapeutic effect

The conviction is not considered a factor in the occurrence of treatment, the therapeutic effect has conducted animal studies that take advantage of the Chinese acupressure though it's not aware of what treatment
There are things that are recommended before and after therapy sessions , including
  Avoid eating fatty meals before or after the meeting therapeutic directly
 Avoid doing great muscular effort or sex or drinking alcohol for six hours after the
 Regulation time so Mtaalj can take a break after the hearing , especially from the business that require mental focus
  Continue taking the treatments and medications prescribed by a doctor
  Notebook action to respond to the therapeutic sessions and see the wizard on it to see the extent of the response to treatment and the degree of progress by

Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

   Vaginal infections or the so-called bacterial vaginosis is a large pool of natural bacteria already existing in the vagina In the past, it was believed that the type of bacteria Jardnala gardnerella is the only reason , but it turns out it's a collection of many kinds of bacteria is causing the symptoms. They stink and vaginal secretions which are not dangerous , but must be set up to rule out gonorrhea and chlamydia infections and two of another kind

bacterial vaginosis

What are the symptoms of vaginal infections vaginosis
 The symptoms of vaginosis vaginal discharge and odor . Usually, there is no other symptoms. The amount of vaginal secretion , which is a normal situation varies from woman Amrahely Therefore , any degree of vaginal discharge should be assessed . Because many women have no symptoms and is usually secretion fluffy white and gray sometimes with a foul odor and noticed more after sexual contact
And may studies have shown that a lack of the type of bacteria lactobacilli producing material for hydrogen peroxide in the vagina promote the growth of bacteria that live without oxygen Alahoaúah This Maysbb infections
Some other factors such as the presence of multi- Jncion partners or new or smoking or douching may help .

bacterial vaginosis
 Antibiotics . A few antibiotics are used on a regular basis . Metronidazole (Flagyl) or oral jelly beans ( cream ) metronidazole vaginal (Metrogel) is an effective treatment . Also available ; clindamycin vaginal cream (. Metronidazole is not used in early pregnancy because of potential adverse effects on the fetus . Metronidazole should not be used by me nursing mothers because of the potential adverse effects on the baby . Gels do not cause side effects Typically,
Tinidazole antibiotic which has fewer side effects than metronidazole and is also effective in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
bacterial vaginosis
Repeat vaginosis infections possible even after successful treatment . Repeated treatment within 12 months ..
bacterial vaginosis

If not treated can cause inflammation and other symptoms , especially when pregnant , such as abortion and inflammation in the fluid Alameona and inflammation of the uterus after childbirth
bacterial vaginosis
Vaginal infections are many causes and treatment depends on the type of cause in each case and will be taking a sample to accurately know the type of bacteria and the use of antibiotic required

Vaginal fungal infections, their symptoms are usually thick white discharge can be watery and in most cases do not have a smell and cause itching and irritation of the external area of the vagina
Usually the fungus grows in moist places such as the mouth , vagina, usually because of double infection or heavy use of antibiotics or medicine or reduce the immune Cortisone drugs , or diabetes, or pregnancy or taking oral contraceptives or douching or the use perfume materials to clean the vagina
bacterial vaginosis
The infection occurs for married women or unmarried may infect
Other symptoms may be a burning sensation and soreness and pain during sexual intercourse

Infection may recur when some women four times a year
bacterial vaginosis
Usually diagnosed in taking a sample of secretions for laboratory analysis

Treated with medication antifungals oral or topical creams or vaginal suppositories , such as vaginal
bacterial vaginosis 
 Oral medication may cause some side effects such as headaches, nausea and abdominal pain while processing Almbelah not to cause these effects so prefer some of the women treated vaginal either for women unmarried prefers the use of oral pills with topical creams and also oral medication is not recommended where to use during pregnancy 
bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
through a totally monogamous marriage and subsequent operations per year of sexual activity . I turned to this forum when I finally said enough! Google searches and " chronic BV " to learn what I could see outside doctors offices ' and take round after round of antibiotics. After reading a post in the hydrogen peroxide, I decided to try this.

Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

Hydrogen peroxide ( H202 ) The shower was very effective for me , even mixed with water ( 3% solution , aprx . 2-3 tablespoons directly watered twice a day with a shower bulb) . For seven days,Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
 I noticed a general decline ( what I perceived as my typical symptoms ) : abnormal odor and abnormal discharge . The only time I had problems when I mixed with vinegar. I dropped , and I 'm on my way to "normal " .
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

I tried to understand why H202 was as effective for me as the antibiotic. After a woman suggested probiotics in this forum, I searched the term PubMed.gov ,Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
 depositary of public health research at the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. What I have learned that there is a rise in both Lactobacillus in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina is positively associated with a decreased risk of bacterial vaginosis and disposal. Increase Lactobacillus (especially L.fermentum RC - 14 , GR -1 and L.gasseri L.rhamnosus ) researchers and naturally eliminate bacterial vaginosis.
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

Hydrogen peroxide ( H202 ) is a product of Lactobacillus . Although several studies suggest that H202 is Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
not enough, the increased presence of H202 -producing lactobacilli - either by ingestion of food and drink , or directly into the vaginal suppository --- more than 7 days is sufficient to eliminate BV and restore the natural flora. Even more telling is that a number of studies agree that this natural remedy was able to remove the antibiotics long-term support of the current CDC guidelines (which is plagued by high rates of recidivism. )
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

I struggled for years with bacterial vaginosis, and address the shame, fear and guilt. I feel these things is, as one researcher noted , treatment failure as a deficiency disease . Virgin and sexually active women experience BV equally and we must return as the subject of the normal flora.
Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment

H202 shower can not be my long term solution , but I think now I'm on the right track . I have not felt like  Vaginal bacterial infections causes their symptoms and treatment
this for years.

All you need to know about Corona virus (SARS) symptoms and prevention methods of treatment and whether

 All you need to know about Corona virus
 symptoms and prevention methods of 
treatment and whether

What Corona virus(SARS) and what are its symptoms 

New virus person that mysterious virus and rare family "corona virus," according to preliminary information, symptoms begin this new virus simple as symptoms of influenza, where the patient feels Alabaman throat, cough, high fever, shortness of breath, headache, may equal then to heal. And perhaps to develop symptoms of acute inflammation in the lung,
caused by damage to the alveolar and lung tissue swelling, or to kidney failure, also may prevent the virus and the arrival of oxygen to the blood, causing a deficiency in the physiology of the body, which could lead to death in certain cases. 
The World Health Organization has previously announced that the virus mysterious new belongs to the family of corona-viruses, which belongs to the virus, "SARS", but that the difference between the two viruses is that SARS, with the exception being that affects the respiratory tract, it may cause inflammation of the stomach and intestines, the new virus differs from SARS is that it causes significant inflammation in the respiratory tract, and quickly lead to kidney failure 

How the disease is transmitted 

Like most viruses that infect the respiratory disease is transmitted by contaminated hands, aerosols, direct contact with fluids and secretions of the patient and a small air particles where the virus enters through the membranes of the nose and throat 

What are the ways to prevent it and is there a vaccine against this virus 

To prevent it must isolate the patient, wash your hands, use of masks in crowded places, there is no vaccine for the virus 

How to detect HIV infection 

Discover cases of this virus by symptoms or viral laboratory analysis. The cure of this disease is final after a period ranging from one week to two weeks 

Are children more susceptible to 

  Did not exceed the proportion of infecting children with the HIV "SARS" 5%, which is a virus, "Corona" because dealing with cases was quickly isolated cases, treat and prevent children from visiting patients in hospitals 

Is there a cure for this virus 

There is no special treatment against Corona viral disease where the body's autoimmune expel viruses, not to treat the symptoms that are unique to their own medicines such as drugs for the cough and analgesics and anti-inflammations 

Keep in mind the following things when injuring someone Corona viral disease 

Must stay away from humid places 
Ventilate the house with a well-warmed well also 
You must wear a mask (masks) for the prevention of infection of the disease 
Must be done to isolate the infected room of its own, and not by the friction and its objectives are even special healing

Disease virus « Corona » respiratory syndrome is a strong adverse accompanied by high temperature and severe pneumonia basement caused by a virus called recently « Corona virus emerging » novel coronavirus (nCoV). ronavirus. And fired upon the World Health Organization Name « Mirs » MERS for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, a reference to the area of ​​the onset of illness and intensity of his injury and is the Middle East .
The first cases appeared a family « Corona » Viral « SARS » «Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome» or SARS, which is a syndrome, pneumonia ( respiratory ) sharp ,Corona virus (SARS) on November 16 ( November ) of 2002 in southern China , and then saw the 2003 injured more than three thousand people died , including 117 in all parts of the world during the 7 months of the discovery . And then announced that the World Health Organization about the global epidemic of the disease « SARS » and called for global cooperation to conduct research on the syndrome SARS.

  The number of laboratory-confirmed cases of injury virus « Corona » New nCoV) 44) case in all parts of the world, including 22 deaths , during the period of September 2012, 10 years after the emergence of « SARS » , and as announced by the World Health Organization. Most of the cases in the Middle Eastern countries , including Jordan , Qatar, Saudi Arabia ,Corona virus (SARS) the United Arab Emirates , have also been reported cases by the three countries in Europe : France , Germany, and the United Kingdom . The cases of these three countries contact directly or indirectly in the Middle East , including Vlhaltan travel history and a visit to the United Arab Emirates and others in close contact with travelers recently returned from the Middle East . Virus did not reach « Corona » after in terms of proliferation and the number of casualties and victims reported to a global pandemic .

  Clinical symptoms

 Symptoms of « Corona » appear after 3-7 days of exposure to the infection , which is the similarity of the symptoms of influenza , such as joint pain and general fatigue , headache, sore throat, fever (38 ° C or more) , and cough and, finally, shortness of breath , difficulty breathing ,Corona virus (SARS)and develop symptoms to acute inflammation of the lung caused by damage to the alveoli and lung tissue swelling , or kidney failure , as the virus may prevent access of oxygen to the blood , causing a deficiency in the physiology of the body , which may lead to death in certain cases .

  A patient suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome and needs hospitalization with signs and symptoms of fever (38 ° C), cough , and confirmed the diagnosis clinically and radiologically that he had an infection in the lower respiratory tract is not the result of a bacterial infection or a viral infection other known or any known cause another ,Corona virus (SARS)  the patient needs for treatment in the intensive care unit , then it becomes « a confirmed case » after the emergence of laboratory results as Corona virus infection .
Corona virus (SARS)
 Phases of the disease

 Passes the patient virus « Corona » three phases , is

 First week: fever , myalgia , and general systemic symptoms usually improve after a few days .

 Second week: the return of fever, oxygen desaturation ,Corona virus (SARS) and the deterioration of the image of radiological (CXR).

 Later the second week : 20 of them are infected infection ( severe acute respiratory syndrome ) ARDS, which requires the patient to a respirator .

 Source of infection

* It is very likely that the origin of the transition is across species «cross species» of bats to humans , and also from human to human spread by aerosol dispersed from respiratory secretions ,Corona virus (SARS) as there is the possibility of going through the stool .

Factors influencing the infection is
  The intensity of the virus in the patient's discharge .

 The distance between the patient and others.
Corona virus (SARS)
 General health of the people , where it is feared those who suffer from chronic diseases .

 It is feared the injury of health care workers to care for patients « Corona »

 Close family members of the patient

 Increased mortality rate with age as 50 after the age of 65 , while children shall be a light injury , and overall  Corona virus (SARS) mortality 15 diagnosis confirmed the diagnosis :

 Through the collection of samples (preferably collect two samples ) as soon as possible after the onset of the disease and to send samples to the lab regional , containing swabs and pharyngeal Corona virus (SARS)  secretions prefer the trachea or bronchial washing .

 Any patient , either from outside or from the staff of the hospital , he has a severe infection of the respiratory tract are suspected to be caused by a virus « Corona » according to the definition of suspected cases from the Ministry of Health , is evaluated in the emergency department ER.

If the case has been confirmed as a virus « Corona » new , you should prepare a list of the names of his contacts and links to it, as well as health care staff who dealt with the patient , and nasopharyngeal swabs taken from them with blood samples and sent to the regional laboratory for examination.

 Treatment and prevention

 Is there a cure ? There are no anti-viral drugs until now , the focus is on providing supportive therapy for symptoms . Compounds may be useful to use steroids .Corona virus (SARS)It is necessary to avoid interventions for the respiratory system .

  During hospitalization , action must be taken to isolate the patient toward direct contact and mixing and blowing spray , in addition to standard precautions for patients followed the suspects , and the possibility of isolated cases with signs and symptoms similar in one place .
Corona virus (SARS)
 Use the mask of the type N - 95.

 Limit the number of the medical team treating patients « Corona » , and be responsible only for the care of these patients , and not moving to other patients Mnomin in another room .

 Limiting movement of patients themselves or travel outside their rooms , as well as reduce traffic coming to them .

 The continued application of infection control precautions for 10 days after the disappearance of low fever and respiratory symptoms or cure them completely ,Corona virus (SARS)or the issuance of the decision of the responsible medical isolation precautions to stop the possibility of safely ,Corona virus (SARS) or the end of the disease 

 Continuously wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or other disinfectants used to wash your hands , especially after coughing or sneezing  

 Use a handkerchief when you cough or sneeze cover your mouth and nose , then get rid of it in the waste basket . If not available bandanna prefers Sal or sneezing on the upper arm , not your hands  

 Avoid contact with eyes , nose and mouth by hand ,Corona virus (SARS) as much as possible , Valley can transmit the virus after touching surfaces contaminated with the virus  

 Wearing masks in gathering places , congestion and prefer to have the mask N - 95 

 Maintaining healthy habits other Alkalinity diet and physical activity ,Corona virus (SARS) and getting enough sleep  

 To maintain hygiene  
Corona virus (SARS)
 Avoid , as much as possible , friction overwhelmed  

 Need to see a doctor when necessary